April 4 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – You Know Me and Where I Come From – John 7:1-30 – Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent
27 But we know where he is from. When the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from.”
28 So Jesus cried out in the temple area as he was teaching and said, “You know me and also know where I am from. Yet I did not come on my own, but the one who sent me, whom you do not know, is true. – John 7:1-30
Catholic Readings For Today
Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
In this passage, we see Jesus facing the complexity of human relationships and the tensions that arise when he pursues his divine mission.
The timing of his actions is significant; he moves deliberately, aware of the risks and opposition he might encounter. This reflects not hesitation but a deep understanding of the Father’s plan.
Sometimes the more familiar we are with someone the harder it is to actually see their goodness and the presence of God in their lives.
Often, we are tempted to look at them and presume we “know all about them.” As a result, what we can often do is simply highlight their faults and weaknesses in our minds and see them only through the lens of these faults and weaknesses.
The passage highlights the diverse reactions to Jesus – some seeking to harm him, others questioning his authority, and some genuinely curious about who he is.
It prompts us to reflect on how we, too, respond to Jesus in our lives. Are we open to understanding his mission and acknowledging his authority, or do we harbor doubts and skepticism?
This is what happened with Jesus. When Jesus went up to the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, there were some there who knew Him.
They probably knew Him as this ordinary son of a carpenter. Perhaps they were even from His home town.
As a result of this familiarity with Jesus they immediately doubted He could be the Messiah. But they were, of course, very mistaken.
Jesus’ response to the people’s confusion showcases his unwavering commitment to the Father’s will. Despite the misunderstandings and threats, he remains focused on his purpose.
This challenges us to consider our own commitment to God’s will in the face of opposition or confusion. How steadfast are we in following God’s plan for our lives?
This presents a great lesson for us. It’s the lesson of being judgmental and overly critical of others we know well.
The more we know about someone the more we will be aware of their faults and weaknesses. And if we are not careful, we will focus on those qualities rather than on the good qualities God wants us to see.
This is what happened with Jesus. No, He did not have any actual bad qualities. He was perfect. But there were most likely many parts of His life that invited the false judgment and criticism of others.
His self-confidence, the authority He manifested in His teaching, the extraordinary compassion He had toward sinners, etc., were all exceptional qualities that some could not understand.
And, as a result, they chose to be critical. “We know where He is from,” they said. In other words, they did not think that someone they knew could be filled with greatness.
What do you think about those around you? What do you think about those closest to you? Are you able to see beyond any apparent weakness they have and see the hand of God at work?
Are you able to see beyond the surface and see the value and dignity of their lives? When you can see the goodness of others, point it out, and be grateful for it, you will actually be seeing and loving the manifest goodness of God.
God is alive and active in every soul around you. It is your responsibility to see that goodness and love it. This takes true humility on your part but, in the end, it’s a way of loving God in your midst.
The passage also emphasizes the element of divine timing. Jesus knows when to reveal himself and when to withdraw.
It teaches us the importance of patience and discernment in our own lives. We may not always understand God’s timing, but trusting in it is essential for our spiritual journey.
As we contemplate this passage, let’s examine our hearts and attitudes towards Jesus. Are we actively seeking to understand and follow him, or are we allowing doubts and external pressures to hinder our faith? May we learn from Jesus’ example of unwavering commitment to the Father’s will and trust in the divine timing of our lives.
Reflect, today, upon how you look at those who are closest to you and spend some time trying to ponder the ways that God is alive in their lives. If you do this, you will be loving God in your very midst.
Short Story About the Jesus Being Sent To Earth By God
There once was a woman named Felicity who prided herself on her independence and self-reliance. She didn’t believe in the power and authority of Jesus the Son sent to earth by God the Father and thought religion was a crutch for the weak.
She always said that Jesus was a man like the rest of men who died and never resurrected.
Felicity had always been in trouble because of her pride and self-righteousness. She had a hard time making friends and keeping them, and her career was stalling because she refused to listen to feedback from her colleagues.
One day, Felicity attended a Catholic women’s seminar at the urging of a friend. At the seminar, she heard testimonies from other women about how Jesus had solved their problems and transformed their lives.
At first, Felicity was skeptical, but as she listened to more and more stories, she began to feel a glimmer of hope.
After the seminar, Felicity started praying to Jesus, asking for guidance and help. To her surprise, she began to notice small changes in her life. She found it easier to work with her colleagues, and she started making new friends.
Over time, Felicity’s faith in Jesus grew stronger, and she started attending church regularly. She realized that her pride and self-righteousness had been holding her back and that she needed to rely on Jesus to help her through life’s challenges.
Thanks to her newfound faith, Felicity’s life changed for the better. She became more humble and compassionate, and she found joy in helping others.
She still faced challenges, but she knew that Jesus was always there to guide her and give her strength.
Prayer: Lord, I do love You. Help me to see and love You in others. And help me to shed any temptation I have toward being judgmental and humbly be drawn into the goodness of all Your sons and daughters. I love You, dear Lord, may I also love You in others. Jesus, I love You. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day for in Pictures

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