Saint of the Day for November 25 2024

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Today is Wednesday, September 18, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 25 2024.

👉 Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr

Saint Peter of Alexandria

Blessed Beatrice d’Ornacieux

Blessed Elizabeth Achler

Saint Petrus Yi Ho-yong

Saint Moses of Rome

Saint Mercurius of Caesarea

Saint Audentius of Milan

Blessed Ekbert of Muensterschwarzach

Saint Imina of Würzburg

Blessed Adalbert of Caramaico

Blessed Conrad of Heisterbach

Blessed Jacinto Serrano López

Blessed Santiago Meseguer Burillo

Saint Erasmus of Antioch

St Erasmus of Antioch also known as Elme was born and also died in Antioch, Syria.

He was a priest martyred in the persecutions of Licinius.

During a period of persecution of Christians, he fled to Mount Linanus and lived as a hermit for 17 years.

Saint Alanus of Lavaur

St Alanus of Lavaur also known as Alain or Ala died of natural causes in the 7th century and his relics are preserved in the hospice of the house which he founded.

He was a seventh-century founder and abbot of the monastery of Lavaur in Gascony (in modern France).

Blessed Garcia of Arlanza

Blessed Garcia of Arlanza was born at Quintanilla, Old Castile (in modern Spain). he was a soldier, a monk, and also an abbot of Arlanza monastery, Burgos, Spain in 1039.

He was a friend and counsellor of King Ferdinand I of Castile. He later died of natural causes in 1073 AD.

Saint Marculo of Numidia

St Marculo of Numidia also known as Marcolo was a bishop and a martyr.

He was murdered by being thrown from a rock in 347 AD in Numidia for his faith by a man named Macario in the reign of emperor Constantine.

Saint Jucunda of Reggio Aemilia

St Jucunda of Reggio Aemilia was born at Reggio Aemilia, Italy. She was a nun and a spiritual student of Saint Prosper of Reggio.

She died in 466 AD of natural causes.

Saint Bernold of Ottobeuren

St Bernold of Ottobeuren was a Benedictine monk and priest of Ottobeuren in Bavaria, Germany.

He was known in his day as a “wonder worker”. He died of natural causes in 1050 AD.

Blessed Guido of Casauria

Blessed Guido of Casauria was a Benedictine monk in Farfa, Italy, and also an abbot of the monastery at Casauria, Abruzzi, Italy.

He died of natural causes in 1045 AD.

Saint Maurino of Agen

St Maurino of Agen also known as Maurin or Maurinus was a martyr in the sixth-century evangelist in the rural areas of Agen, Aquitaine (in modern France).

Martyrs of Africa

Martyrs of Africa is a group of 13 Christians murdered together for their faith in Africa on an unknown date.

Their names are;

  • Vitalis
  • Victor
  • Quirianus
  • Peter
  • Martialis
  • Marcian
  • Lucian
  • Julian
  • Januarius
  • Felix
  • Donatus
  • Cyprian
  • Claudian

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 25 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 25 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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