March 8 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – You can only become great through serving others first.
Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant and Whoever Wishes to be First Among You Shall be Your Slave.
The Bible Verse of today is derived from – Matthew 20:26-28 and Mark 10:32-45.

Short Story About Benefits of Serving Others
Once there was a young man named John who dreamed of becoming a successful businessman. He had a talent for entrepreneurship and was always looking for ways to make money. However, as he pursued his goal, he noticed that he wasn’t finding the fulfillment he expected.
One day, John had the opportunity to volunteer at a local homeless shelter. He was hesitant at first, but eventually decided to give it a try.
As he worked alongside the other volunteers, he began to realize the joy that came from serving others. He found himself looking forward to his time at the shelter each week and started to spend more and more time there.
Over time, John’s focus shifted from making money to helping those in need. He started to use his business skills to organize fundraising events for the shelter and worked with local businesses to donate food and supplies.
As he became more involved, he realized that he had found his true calling. He felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment that he had never experienced before.
John’s dedication and hard work paid off. The shelter grew and became a cornerstone of the community. John was recognized for his contributions and eventually became the director of the shelter.
He had become a great leader, not by seeking power or wealth, but by serving others and putting their needs before his own.
Today’s Teaching About Serving Others
👉True greatness is achieved through serving others.
👉To be the first or the leader, one must first become a servant or a slave.
👉Humility and selflessness are key virtues in the eyes of God.
👉One should not seek power or position for personal gain, but rather to serve others.
👉The way to true fulfillment and purpose in life is to use one’s talents and abilities to serve others.
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