Bible Verse of the Day for March 19 2023 – Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

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Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2025

March 19 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus Heals a Man Blind From Birth – John 9:1-41

Today’s reading passage emphasizes the power and authority of Jesus, the importance of faith, compassion for those who suffer, and the danger of pride and spiritual blindness. It also highlights the offer of salvation through belief in Jesus.

The Bible Verse of today is derived from John 9:1-41.


Bible Verse of the Day for March 19 2023 - Jesus Heals a Man Blind From Birth - John 9:1-41
Bible Verse of the Day for March 19 2023 – Jesus Heals a Man Blind From Birth – John 9:1-41

Today’s Teaching From Jesus Healing a Man Born Blind

John 9:1-41 tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind, and the reaction of the religious leaders to this miracle. Here are some of the salient teachings of Jesus found in this passage:

The Power of God

Jesus demonstrates his power to heal the blind man, showing that he is sent by God and has divine authority.

Importance of Faith

The blind man demonstrates faith by following Jesus’ instructions to go and wash in the pool of Siloam, and his faith is rewarded with healing.

Need for Compassion

Jesus has compassion for the blind man, showing that he cares for the suffering of others.

Problem of Spiritual blindness

The religious leaders are spiritually blind, refusing to believe that Jesus is from God and dismissing the healing of the blind man as a trick.

That is why in the end Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains.

Pride and Arrogance

The religious leaders are proud and arrogant, believing that they alone have the authority to interpret the law and determine who is a sinner and who is not.


Jesus warns the religious leaders that they are the ones who are truly blind and in sin, and that they will be judged for their refusal to believe in him.


Jesus offers salvation to those who believe in him, and the blind man who was healed becomes a model of faith for others to follow.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the power and authority of Jesus, the importance of faith, compassion for those who suffer, and the danger of pride and spiritual blindness. It also highlights the offer of salvation through belief in Jesus.

Short Story About the Power of Jesus and the Importance of Faith

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy and successful businessman named John. He had everything he wanted in life, from luxurious cars to mansions, and never had to worry about money.

One day, John’s daughter fell ill, and despite all his efforts and money, she didn’t get any better. Desperate for a solution, he turned to faith and began to pray for her.

To his surprise, he witnessed a miracle, and his daughter recovered. This event changed John’s life, and he became a devoted believer in Jesus Christ.

However, over time, John’s faith started to wane, and he became proud of his wealth and status. He thought he didn’t need anyone, not even God.

One day, while driving home from an adultrous and sinful drinking spree, John got into a terrible accident. He survived, but the accident left him blind. John was devastated and couldn’t come to terms with his new reality.

In his darkness, John realized that he had been spiritually blind all along, and it was his pride that had caused him to turn away from God. He prayed for forgiveness and asked Jesus to guide him.

With his new-found faith, John learned that Jesus offers salvation to all those who believe in him. He realized that his wealth and success were meaningless without faith and that it was Jesus who gave him the strength to face the challenges of life.

From then on, John lived a life of humility and devoted himself to serving Jesus. He shared his story of faith and the power of Jesus with others, hoping to lead them to the same salvation he had found.

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