Saint of the Day for October 17 2024

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Today is Monday, March 17, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 17 2024.

👉 Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

Saint John the Short

Saint François-Isidore Gagelin

Blessed Contardo Ferrini

Blessed Társila Córdoba Belda de Girona

Saint Richard Gwyn

Blessed Balthassar of Chiavari

Saint Catervus

Saint Anstrudis of Laon

Saint Florentius of Orange

Blessed Battista de Bonafede

Saint Rudolph of Gubbio

Blessed Jacques Burin

Blessed Gilbert the Theologian

Saint Nothelm of Canterbury

Blessed Peter Casini

Saint Rufus of Rome

Saint Zosimus of Rome

Hosea the Prophet

Saint Louthiern

Saint Solina of Chartres

St Solina of Chartres was also known as Solina of Gascony. She was born in Gascony, France. To avoid being married to a pagan, she fled to Chartres, France.

In 290 AD, she was beheaded and died a martyr in Chartres, France.

Saint Heron of Antioch

St. Heron of Antioch was also known as Herodion. He was the Bishop of Antioch for 20 years and a spiritual student of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. In 136 AD he died as a martyr.

Saint Berarius I of Le Mans

St. Berarius I was the Bishop of Le Mans, France. He translated the relics of Saint Scholastica from Monte Cassino to Le Mans and died in 680 AD.

Saint Ethelbert of Eastry

St Ethelbert of Eastry was also known as Aethelbert. He was the great-grandson of Saint Ethelbert of Kent.

In 640 AD, he died as a martyr in Eastry, England.

Saint Mamelta of Persia

St Mamelta of Persia was a pagan priest in Bethfarme, Persia who converted to Christianity.

In 344 AD, he was stoned and then drowned in a lake and died as a martyr in Persia.

Saint Ethelred of Eastry

St Ethelred of Eastry was also known as Aethelred. He was the great-grandson of Saint Ethelbert of Kent. In 640 AD, he died as a martyr in Eastry, England.

Saint Colman of Kilroot

St Colman of Kilroot was born in the 6th century in Ireland. He was a monk who then became an abbot. He later became the Bishop of Kilroot, Ireland. He was the disciple of Saint Ailbe of Emly.

Martyrs of Nicomedia

The Martyrs of Nicomedia are a group of Christians who were martyred in 303 AD, in Nicomedia, now in modern-day Turkey, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are;

  • Alexander
  • Marianus
  • Victor

Martyrs of Valenciennes

The Martyrs of Valenciennes are a group of Ursuline nuns who were guillotined and martyred on October 17 1794 in Valenciennes, Nord, France during the persecutions of the French Revolution.

On June 13 1920, they were beatified by Pope Benedict XV.

Their names are;

  • Hyacinthe-Augustine-Gabrielle Bourla
  • Jeanne-Reine Prin
  • Louise-Joseph Vanot
  • Marie-Geneviève-Joseph Ducrez
  • Marie-Madeleine-Joseph Déjardins

Martyrs of Volitani

The Martyrs of Volitani are also known as Martyrs of Bolitani. They are a group of martyrs who were killed in Volitani, proconsular Africa in modern-day Tunisia. They have been praised by Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed José Sánchez Medina
  • Blessed Ramón Esteban Bou Pascual
  • Blessed Perfecto Carrascosa Santos
  • Blessed Társila Córdoba Belda de Girona
  • Blessed Fidel Fuidio Rodriguez

Other Saints of the Day for October 17 2024

  • Dominic Navarro
  • Juan de Zamora

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 17 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 17 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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