Saint of the Day for February 21 2025

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 21 2025.

Saint Peter Damian

Saint Robert Southwell

Blessed Noël Pinot

Blessed Thomas Pormort

Blessed Caterina Dominici

Saint Eustathius of Antioch

Blessed Eleanora

Blessed Claudio di Portaceli

Saint Germanus of Granfield

Martyrs Uchibori

  • Antonius
  • Balthasar
  • Ignatius.

Saint Pepin of Landen

Saint Severian of Scythopolis

Saint Severian of Scythopolis also known as Severianus was the bishop of Scythopolis in modern north-east Israel.

He was murdered by a band of soldiers led by a heretical Eutychian monk. He died in 452 AD or 453 AD as a martyr.

Saint Paterius of Brescia

Saint Paterius of Brescia was a monk, a friend and a spiritual student of Pope Saint Gregory the Great. He became the bishop of Brescia, Italy. Prolific writer. He died in 606 AD.

Saint Gundebert of Sens

Saint Gundebert of Sens also known as Gondelbert, Gumbert, Gumbertus, Gundelbert or Gundelbertus was the bishop of Sens, France.

Around 660 AD, he retired from the office and lived as a hermit in the Vosges region of France. He founded the Benedictine Monastery of Saint Peter in Senones. In 676 AD he died.

Saint Peter Mavimenus

Saint Peter Mavimenus was martyred by Muslims for supporting Christianity and denigrating Islam in 737 AD in Damascus in modern Syria.

One of the readings he read was, that whoever does not embrace the Christian and Catholic faith is lost, like your false prophet Mahomet, by Saint Peter.

Saint George of Amastris

Saint George of Amastris was born at Kromna near Amastris on the Black Sea. He became a hermit on Mount Sirik then a monk at Bonyssa and eventually bishop of Amastris modern Amasra, Turkey.

He successfully defended Amastris city during the Saracen attacks and died in 825 AD of natural causes.

Saint Valerius of San Pedro de Montes

Saint Valerius of San Pedro de Montes was born in the 7th century in Astorga, Spain. He became a benedictine monk and then abbot of the Monastery San Pedro de Montes in Galicia, Spain. He left several ascetic writings after dying in 695 AD.

Saint Ercongotha

Saint Ercongotha also known as Ercongota was born a princess, the daughter of King Erconbert of Kent part of modern England and Saint Saxburgh of Ely.

She became a nun at Faremoutiers-en-Brie where her aunt, Saint Ethelburgh, was abbess. She died in 660 AD.

Saint Randoald of Granfield

Saint Randoald of Granfield was a monk and prior of Granfield Abbey, Val Moutier, Switzerland.

He was martyred for interceding with local authorities on behalf of the poor in 677 AD.

Saint Severus of Syrmium

Saint Severus of Syrmium was the only one of a group of 62 martyrs whose name has come down to us. He died in the mid-3rd century in Syrmium, Pannonia modern Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia.

Saint Avitus II of Clermont

Saint Avitus II of Clermont was the bishop of Clermont, Auvergne, France from 676 AD until he died in 689 AD.

Saint Daniel of Persia

Saint Daniel of Persia was a Persian Christian martyred in the persecutions of King Shapur II in 344 AD.

Saint Verda of Persia

Saint Verda of Persia was a Persian Christian martyred in the persecutions of King Shapur II in 344 AD.

Saint Felix of Metz

Saint Felix of Metz was the third bishop of Metz, France. He served for over 40 years in the 2nd century AD.

Martyrs of Sicily

Martyrs of Sicily was a group of seventy-nine Christians martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian in 303 AD in Sicily.

Martyrs of Hadrumetum

Martyrs of Hadrumetum was a group of 26 Christians martyred together by Vandals. Their names are Verulus, Siricius, Servulus, Secundinus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, Felix and Alexander. They died in 434 AD at Hadrumetum modern Sousse, Tunisia.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 21 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 21 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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