Saint of the Day for April 13 2025

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Today is Monday, March 10, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 13 2025.

👉 Pope Saint Martin I

Saint Hermengild

Saint Caradoc of Wales

Saint Sabas Reyes Salazar

Blessed Margaret of Castello

Blessed Rolando Rivi

Blessed Scubilion Rousseau

Blessed Albertinus of Fonte Avellana

Saint Ursus of Ravenna

Blessed James of Certaldo

Saint Ida of Boulogne

Blessed John Lockwood

Blessed Edward Catherick

Blessed Francis Dickenson

Blessed Miles Gerard

Blessed Isabel Calduch Rovira

Saint Agathonica of Pergamus

Saint Papylus of Pergamus

Saint Carpus of Pergamus

Saint Martius of Auvergne

St Martius of Auvergne was also known as Marzio. He was born in Auvergne, France and became a hermit on the mountainside.

His reputation for holiness spread, and he attracted so many would-be students that he built a monastery for them. He died in 530 AD.

Saint Agathonica of Pergamus

St. Agathonica of Pergamus, who was also referred to as Agatonica, was the sister of St. Papylus of Pergamus. She was martyred in 250 AD during the persecutions under Decius in Pergamus, Asia Minor.

Saint Papylus of Pergamus

St. Papylus of Pergamus, who was also called Papilo, served as a deacon and was the sibling of St. Agathonica of Pergamus. He was martyred in 250 AD during the persecutions under Decius in Pergamus, Asia Minor.

Saint Carpus of Pergamus

St. Carpus of Pergamus, also known as Carpo, served as a bishop in Thyatira and was martyred in 250 AD in Pergamus, Asia Minor during the persecutions under Decius.

Saint Martius of Auvergne

St. Martius, also known as Marzio, was born in Auvergne, France and spent his life as a hermit in the mountains.

His pious nature was widely recognized, and he drew the attention of many potential disciples, prompting him to construct a monastery to accommodate them. He passed away in 530 AD.

Saint Agathodorus of Pergamus

St. Agathodorus of Pergamus served St. Papylus of Pergamus and St. Agathonica of Pergamus. He was killed during the persecutions of Decius and died in 250 AD at Pergamus, which is located in Asia Minor.

Blessed Ida of Louvain

Blessed Ida of Louvain was born in Louvain, France, and became a nun of the Cistercian Benedictine order at Rosendale, located near Malines.

She was known for having visionary experiences and passed away in the year 1300 AD.

Saint Proculus of Terni

St. Proculus of Terni served as a bishop in Terni, Italy. He was martyred during the persecutions under Maxentius and died in 310 AD.

Saint Guinoc

St. Guinoc, who was also known as Guinoch, Guinochus, Winnoc, or Guinoco, was a Scottish bishop who was honoured in the Aberdeen Breviary. He died in the year 838 AD.

Martyrs of Dorostorum

In the year 303 AD, during the persecutions of Diocletian, a lector and two students were martyred together in Dorostorum, which is located in Lower Mysia (modern-day Sillistria, Bulgaria).

They were beheaded, and they are now collectively referred to as the martyrs of Dorostorum.

Their Names are;

  • Dadas
  • Maximus
  • Quinctillianus.

Other Saints of the Day for April 13 2025

  • Mochaemhog of Inis Caoin
  • Serafino Morazzone
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 13 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 13 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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