Blessed James Bertoni – Feast Day – May 25

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Blessed James Bertoni, also known as Andrew Bertoni or James Philip, was a pious priest born in 1444 AD in Faenza, Italy and died on May 25 1483 in Faenza, Italy. We celebrate his feast day on May 25 every year in the Catholic Church.

Blessed James Bertoni Biography
Blessed James Bertoni - Feast Day - May 25
James Bertoni – Feast Day – May 25
Date of Birth 1444 AD
Place of Birth Faenza, Italy
Profession Priest
Place of Work Italy
Date of Death May 25 1483
Place of Death Faenza, Italy
Feast Day May 25
Beatification By Pope Clement XIII on July 22 1761 (Cultus confirmation)
Canonization Pre-congregation
Patron Saint of Faenza, Italy

Blessed James Bertoni Life History

Blessed James Bertoni was born in a poor family in 1444 AD in Faenza, Italy. He was an avid reader of the lives of the saints and came to acquire a deep understanding of the liturgy

He used to go for confession on a daily basis because of fear of offending God. After he was ordained to the priesthood he continued with his great devotion and reverence in celebrating Mass especially in contemplating the “mystery of the cross” as he beheld the consecrated Host before him.

Blessed James Bertoni served as procurator of the Servite priory of Faenza. One time, by making the sign of the cross over him three times, he healed an ill monk.

At the hour of his death, on May 25 1483 in Faenza, Italy, Father James Bertoni recited daily the Divine Office while holding a crucifix, and while in prayer he died.


His relics we re-interred in the Manfredi chapel on April 15 1594 but when the church was damaged during World War II in November 1944 his relics were re-interred at the altar of Saint Charles Borromeo in the cathedral of Faenza.

Blessed James Bertoni is the Patron Saint of

  • Faenza, Italy

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