Saint of the Day for February 9 2025

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Today is Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 9 2025.

Saint Apollonia of Alexandria

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

Saint Miguel Febres Cordero Muñoz

Blessed Luis Magaña Servín

Saint Raynald of Nocera

Blessed Giacomo Abbondo

Blessed Francisco Sánchez Márquez

Blessed Marianus Scotus

Blessed Bernardino Caimi

Saint Maro

Saint Sabino of Abellinum

Saint Teilo of Llandaff

Saint Brachio of Auvergne

Saint Alto of Altomünster

Blessed Godeschalk of Zeliv

Saint Nebridius of Ègara

Saint Ansbert of Rouen

Saint Auedebertus of Senlis

Saint Ronan of Lismore

St Ronan of Lismore was an eighth-century bishop of Lismore, Ireland and also a confessor of the faith. Several churches in Munster, Ireland are named for him.

Saint Sabinus of Canosa

St Sabinus of Canosa died of natural causes in 556 AD. He was a bishop of Canosa, in the Apulia region of southern Italy.

Additionally, he was a friend of St Benedict of Narsia and a Papal legate for Pope St Agapitus I to the court of Emperor Justinian at Constantinople from 535 AD to 536 AD.

Sabinus went blind in his later years. His relics are in Bari, Italy. He is a patron of Andria, Italy and also Bari, Italy.

Saint Cuaran the Wise

St Cuaran the Wise, also known as Curvinus or Cronan, died in 700 AD. He was a Bishop in Ireland. When the requirements of the office crowded out his prayer life, Cuaran moved to Iona, hid his identity, and became a monk.

However, he was recognized by St Columba and returned to his duty. In addition, he was called “the Wise” due to his extensive knowledge of the canons of the Church.

Blessed Lambert of Neuwerk

Blessed Lambert of Neuwerk died of natural causes in 1123 AD. He was among the Augustinian Canon Regular at the abbey of Rottenbuch, Germany.

He helped found the canonry at Neuwerk bei Halle, Saxony (in modern Germany) in 1116 AD, and served as its provost until his death.

Blessed Erizzo

Blessed Erizzo was born in Florence, Italy and died of natural causes in 1094 AD. He was the first spiritual student of St John Gualbert, a Vallombrosan monk and a fourth superior-general of the Vallombrosans.

He was later beatified in 1600 AD by Pope Clement VIII (cultus confirmation).

Saint Alexander of Rome

St Alexander of Rome died in Rome, Italy. Following his public confession of Christianity, Alexander was martyred with 38 companions whose names have not come down to us.

Saint Eingan of Llanengan

St Eingan of Llanengan was also known as Anianus, Einion, Eneon or Eingan. He was a sixth-century British prince in Cumberland who abdicated to live as a hermit at Llanengan near Bangor, Wales.

Saint Nicephorus of Antioch

St Nicephorus of Antioch, also known as Niceforus, died in 260 AD at Antioch, Syria. He was martyred in the persecutions of Valerian.

Saint Donatus the Deacon

St Donatus the Deacon died in 362 AD in Lavallum, North Africa. He was a deacon and was martyred by Donatist heretics for his defence of orthodox Christianity.

Saint Primus the Deacon

St Primus the Deacon died in 362 AD in Lavallum, North Africa. He was a deacon and was martyred by Donatist heretics for his defence of orthodox Christianity.

Saint Romanus the Wonder Worker

St Romanus the Wonder Worker was a fifth-century hermit who lived on a mountain near Antioch, Syria.

Saint Alexander of Soli

St Alexander of Soli was a martyr.

Saint Ammonius of Soli

St Ammonius of Soli was a martyr.

Martyrs of Alexandria

Martyrs of Alexandria were Christians despite their unknown number who were massacred in a Church in 4th century Alexandria, Egypt by Arian heretics for adhering to the orthodox faith.

Martyrs of Membressa

Martyrs of Membressa was a group of 44 Christians martyred together and died in Membressa in Africa.

  • Poemus
  • Lassa
  • Emilian
  • Didymus
  • Ammon
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 9 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 9 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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