Blessed Gabriel Ferretti – Feast Day – November 9 2024

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Today is Sunday, September 8, 2024

Blessed Gabriel Ferretti was a Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Order of Friars Minor.

He was born in 1385 in Ancona, Italy.

He died on November 12 1456 at the age of 71 in Ancona, Italy.

We celebrate his feast day on November 9 every year in the Catholic Church.

Blessed Gabriel Ferretti Biography
Date of Birth 1385
Place of Birth Ancona, Italy
Date of Death November 12 1456
Place of Death Ancona, Italy
Feast Day November 9
Beatification Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV on September 19 1753
Patron Saint of  

Blessed Gabriel Ferretti Biography

Blessed Gabriel Ferretti was born to the Italian nobility as the eldest son of Count Liverotto of Ferretti and Lady Alvisia.

At age 18, he left his worldly position behind and joined the Franciscan Friars Minor at the convent of San Francesco in Ancona, Italy. He received visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and had the gift of healing through his prayers.

Gabriel became a priest and later a superior of the convent in Ancona in 1425. He also served as a Franciscan provincial vicar of Piceno, Marches of Ancona, Italy from 1434 to 1449.

Gabriel founded convents in San Severino Marche, in Ascoli Piceno, and in Osimo, Italy.

He was a close ally of Saint James of the Marches who wanted Gabriel to help in his evangelization of the region of modern Bosnia, in 1438 but the people of Ancona convinced Pope Eugene IV to order the friar to stay in Ancona.

When he retired from his position as provincial vicar, Gabriel became superior in his home convent from 1449 to 1452 when he retired from that to live his remaining years as a simple, prayerful friar.

Bl. Gabriel Ferretti
Bl. Gabriel Ferretti

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