April 2 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Jews Tried to Kill Jesus for Making Himself Equal to God – John 5:17-30 – Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Jesus answered the Jews: “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.” For this reason, they tried all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the sabbath but he also called God his own father, making himself equal to God. – John 5:17-30
Catholic Readings For Today
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
This passage from the Gospel of John reveals profound insights into the nature of Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and his role in the divine plan.
Jesus, in defending his actions on the Sabbath, declares that he is continuously working just as the Father is. This statement not only asserts his divinity but also underscores the unity and harmony between Jesus and God.
Jesus was clearly guilty of grave sins in the opinion of those who sought to put Him to death. He did not follow their Sabbath laws in the way they thought He should and He revealed that He was equal to the Father. This would be a serious sin on Jesus’ part if He was wrong, but obviously, He wasn’t.
At the heart of this passage is the unity of the Father and the Son. The verses following this passage reveal even more clearly that the Father and the Son are one and that Jesus’ whole life is caught up in the fulfilment of the will of the Father. It is precisely this oneness of will that brings about their unity.
This reveals much to us about the relationship between the Father and the Son, and it also reveals much to us about our own relationship with the Father and the Son.
First of all, the Father and the Son are distinct Persons, each possessing a perfect intellect and will. However, their oneness came about through the fact that their minds were in perfect harmony, knowing all things equally, and perfectly believing what they know.
As a result of their perfect shared knowledge, they both embraced every detail of the plan of the Father as it was laid out from the foundation of the world.
As for us, we can take from this understanding of the unity of the Father and the Son, the glorious lesson on how we enter into unity with God.
This happens first by seeking the mind of God. We must probe the glorious mysteries contained therein and must make them our own knowledge. Second, we must believe what we come to know through an act of our will.
As we discover the truth, we must choose it for our lives. The challenge is that there are numerous competing voices vying for our attention.
As we sort through them, choosing only that which God reveals, we naturally become attracted to the mind and will of God and make them our own. In this act, we also become one with God.
The passage challenges us to reflect on our understanding of Jesus’ identity. In our daily life and work, as we continue to love and serve the Lord, do we recognize him as more than just a moral teacher or a healer?
Jesus claims a unique and inseparable connection with the Father, emphasizing that he only does what he sees the Father doing. This challenges us to align our lives with God’s will and seek a deep, intimate relationship with the Divine.
Furthermore, Jesus speaks about the authority given to him by the Father to judge the living and the dead. This emphasizes the importance of acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate judge of our lives.
It prompts us to consider our actions, decisions, and the state of our hearts in light of the accountability we have before the divine judgment seat.
The passage concludes with a call to hear and respond to Jesus’ words, recognizing them as words of eternal life. This challenges us to actively listen to Jesus, internalize his teachings, and live our lives in accordance with the truth he reveals.
In summary, John 5:17-30 invites us to delve deeper into our understanding of Jesus’ identity, recognize his authority, and respond with a commitment to align our lives with God’s will, mindful of the ultimate judgment we will face. It encourages us to actively engage with Jesus’ teachings, embracing them as the path to eternal life.
Reflect, today, upon the unity you are called to live with the Father and the Son. It is this unity that brings fulfilment to your life. It’s what you were made for.
Seeking, believing and embracing anything else is simply living by a lie. Seek the mind and will of God in all things and your whole being will be drawn into greater unity with God.
Specific Examples to Illustrate the Reflection on John 5:17-30
- Recognition of Jesus’ Identity:
- Example: Imagine a person who has considered Jesus only as a historical figure or a wise teacher. Upon reflecting on this passage, they start to explore the idea that Jesus is more than just a moral guide – he is claiming a unique and divine connection with God the Father.
- Aligning with God’s Will:
- Example: A Christian who previously struggled with prioritizing personal desires over God’s will might reflect on this passage and feel compelled to reevaluate their choices. They begin to seek a more profound connection with God, aligning their actions with the divine purpose.
- Recognizing Jesus as Judge:
- Example: Someone who has been indifferent to spiritual matters may reconsider their attitude. The idea that Jesus has the authority to judge prompts them to reflect on their life choices and consider how they might be accountable before the ultimate judge.
- Active Engagement with Jesus’ Teachings:
- Example: A person who has been casually acquainted with the Bible may decide to actively study and internalize Jesus’ teachings. They may attend Bible studies, read the Gospels more intentionally, and strive to incorporate these teachings into their daily life.
- Embracing Jesus’ Words for Eternal Life:
- Example: A Christian who has been struggling with doubt or uncertainty might find reassurance in Jesus’ claim that his words lead to eternal life. This person may decide to deepen their faith, seeking a more profound relationship with Jesus and finding comfort in the assurance of eternal life through him.
These examples illustrate how individuals might respond to the reflection on John 5:17-30 in practical and personal ways, transforming their understanding of Jesus and influencing their actions and decisions in alignment with God’s will.
Prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank You for the gift of Jesus Your Son and I thank You for the unity that you both share. Draw me into that glorious unity established by Your minds and wills. Make me one with You so that You also are my Father. Father in Heaven, Jesus the Son, I love You. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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