June 13 2024: Bible Verse of the Day – Leave Your Gift at the Altar – Matthew 5:20-26 – Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Friday of the First Week of Lent, Memorial of Saint Barnabas Apostle
23 Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you,
24 leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. – Matthew 5:20-26
Catholic Readings for Today
Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2
Friday of the First Week of Lent
Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle
Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
Today Jesus is teaching us about the importance of reconciliation and repentance. This is very well intertwined with the greatest commandment of love.
Jesus says that if you go before Him to offer your sacrifice and you know very well that you have unresolved issues with your brother or sister, then you are wasting your time.
The main teaching today from Jesus is; love your neighbour and be at peace with him/her. After doing this, then you can comfortably go before our Holy, Holy Holy God with your sacrifice and pay Him homage.
The immediate context of this verse is, Jesus is warning us of the consequences of not loving our neighbours. He says,
# we will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven
# we will face the law, judgement and be thrown into prison
# we will burn in the fiery Gehenna
This portrays how God intends us to approach Him in prayer and also in sacrifice. We first must love those who are physically close to us before going to those far apart and finally before God.
When we start by loving ourselves, the love within us out pours to these next to us and the same love spreads to the neighbourhood. This love then snowballs to other nations and to the world.
Love is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave us. Lets us love one another so that our Joy may be full.
Prayer: I love You, My God, with my whole heart and soul, above all things. This is because you are all good and therefore worthy of all my love. I love my neighbour as I love myself for Your love. I forgive all who have transgressed against me and I ask forgiveness of all whom I have transgressed against. Jesus, I love you. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures
![Bible Verse of the Day - Leave Your Gift at the Altar - Matthew 5:20-26](https://catholicreadings.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Leave-Your-Gift-at-the-Altar-678x381.jpg)
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