Bible Verse of the Day for May 4 2023 – No Slave is Greater Than His Master – John 13:16-20

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Today is Thursday, February 13, 2025

May 4 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter – No Slave is Greater Than His Master – John 13:16-20

16 When Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet, he said to them: “Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him.

17 If you understand this, blessed are you if you do it.

John 13:16-20

Let us Pray: Lord, I surrender myself completely to You and obey Your every command. Let Your will be fulfilled in my life, and let my desires align with Your plan.

I acknowledge You as my Master in all areas of my life, and I rely on Your unblemished love for me. Jesus, I love you. Amen.

Catholic Readings For Today

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today’s Morning Prayer

Bible Verse of the Day for May 4 2023 Reflections

Jesus implies two significant ideas that we can understand if we pay close attention to what He is saying.

The first idea is that it is beneficial to think of ourselves as servants and ambassadors of God, and the second is that we must continually give credit and recognition to God.

These are critical concepts to incorporate into our spiritual journey. Let us explore them further.

The concept of being a “slave” is generally not desirable. Even though slavery has existed throughout history and in many cultures, it has caused immense damage. In our current time, we are less familiar with slavery.

The mistreatment of slaves is the most appalling aspect of slavery. It involves treating individuals as mere possessions or objects, which is a blatant violation of their inherent human worth and dignity.

Consider a situation where someone is bound to another who loves them unconditionally and seeks to help them achieve their highest potential in life.

In this case, the master would instruct the slave to embrace love and joy and would never disregard their inherent worth as a human being.

God is not like a cruel master who treats his slaves as property. Rather, as our perfect and loving Master, He desires to help us fulfill our true potential and find happiness.

Therefore, we should not be afraid to think of ourselves as slaves to God. Although the word “slave” might have negative connotations due to the historical abuses, it should be our aim to submit to God in this way.

The reason for wanting God as our master is that He is the best master we can have, even better than being our own master. God will treat us with more care and kindness than we would treat ourselves.

God will guide us towards a life of perfection, holiness, and joy, and we should gladly submit ourselves to His divine will.

In addition, He will provide us with the resources and tools we need to fulfill His plan if we allow Him to. It is desirable to be a “slave of God” and should be our ultimate aim in life.

As we become better at surrendering control of our life to God, we should also regularly cultivate a spirit of gratitude and praise towards Him for all that He accomplishes in us.

We should give Him all the credit for allowing us to participate in His work and for sending us to carry out His desires.

God is superior in all aspects, yet He desires us to partake in His magnificence and honor. The positive aspect is that when we extol and show gratitude towards God for His actions in us and obey His commands, we will be raised by Him to join and experience His glory!

This is a benefit of the Christian life that brings us joy and fulfillment beyond our personal endeavors.

Take some time today to consider making yourself entirely submissive to God and His will. By doing so, you will embark on a journey filled with immense joy and pleasure.

Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

No Slave is Greater Than His Master - John 13:16-20 - Bible Verse of the Day
Bible Verse of the Day for May 4 2023 – No Slave is Greater Than His Master – John 13:16-20

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The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day