The Novena to St Bernadine of Siena is a nine-day prayer dedicated to St. Bernadine, the patron saint who helps people struggling with gambling, compulsive behavior, hemorrhages, hoarseness, tuberculosis, and lung diseases.
He is also invoked by those trying to quit smoking and by professionals such as advertisers, boxers, weavers, and wool merchants.
The novena seeks St. Bernadine’s intercession and support for these various issues, offering spiritual aid and comfort to those in need.

An immensely popular Franciscan preacher, Bernardine vowed to preach in every part of Italy. Thoroughly entertaining to common people, he would speak in the open air for four hours at a time.
Because he often strained his voice, he suffered from hoarseness, like patients with pulmonary problems. A master communicator, he designed the IHS visual emblem of Christ.
Novena to St Bernadine of Siena
Father, you gave Saint Bernardine a special love for the holy name of Jesus. By the help of his prayers, may we always be alive with the spirit of your love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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