Novena to St Gerard Majella

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Today is Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Novena to St. Gerard Majella is a prayer seeking the intercession of St. Gerard, the patron saint of childbirth and expectant mothers.

It begins by thanking the Holy Trinity for the blessings given to St. Gerard and asks for God’s kingdom to come on earth.

The prayer then asks St. Gerard to intercede on behalf of the person praying, bringing their urgent request before God’s Divine Mercy and ensuring their prayer is heard.

The novena expresses trust in St. Gerard’s powerful help and hopes for the grace requested to be granted through his intercession.

Novena to St Gerard Majella, the Patron Saint of Childbirth, and Expectant Women

Novena to St Gerard Majella - Catholic Prayers
Novena to St Gerard Majella – Catholic Prayers

Most Blessed Trinity, I, Your child, thank You for all the gifts and privileges You granted to St. Gerard, especially for the virtues You adorned him with on earth and the glory You now bestow upon him in heaven.

Fulfil Your work, Oh Lord, so that Your kingdom may come on earth. Through his merits, united with those of Jesus and Mary, grant me the grace for which I ask…

(Mention your request)

And you, my powerful intercessor, St. Gerard, always ready to help those who turn to you, pray for me.

Stand before the throne of Divine Mercy and do not leave without being heard. I entrust this important and urgent matter to you.

Kindly take my cause in hand and do not let me finish this novena without experiencing the effects of your intercession in some way. Amen.


O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before God’s throne, wonder-worker of our time, I call upon you and seek your help.

While on earth, you always fulfilled God’s plans; help me to always do God’s holy will. Ask the Master of life, from whom all parenthood comes, to bless me with children, so that I may raise them for God in this life and heirs to His kingdom in the next. Amen.

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