Novena to St Martha

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Today is Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Novena to St. Martha, the Patron Saint of Housewives, is a nine-day prayer devoted to St. Martha, who is known for her hospitality and service in the Bible.

This special prayer asks for her intercession and help, particularly in solving difficult problems and everyday challenges.

St. Martha is admired for her dedication to caring for her home and family, and many people turn to her for support in managing their household responsibilities and finding peace in their daily lives.

Novena to St Martha the Patron Saint of Housewives

This prayer that follows must be recited for nine consecutive Tuesdays, lighting a candle on each Tuesday. This miraculous Saint has been known to grant anything, no matter how difficult it is, before the ninth Tuesday.

Novena to St Martha - Catholic Prayers
Novena to St Martha – Catholic Prayers

This prayer should be recited for nine consecutive Tuesdays, lighting a candle each time. This miraculous Saint is known to grant any request, no matter how difficult, before the ninth Tuesday.

Saint Martha, I seek your help and protection. As a sign of my love and faith, I offer this light, which I will burn every Tuesday.

Comfort me in all my troubles, and through the great blessings you received when the Savior stayed in your home, intercede for my family so that we are provided for in our needs.

I ask you, Saint Martha, to help me overcome all difficulties, just as you overcame the dragon at your feet.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Recite the following prayers… Our FatherHail MaryGlory Be

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