May 20 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Peace I Leave With You, My Peace I Give To You – John 14:27-31 – Tuesday of Fifth Week of Easter, Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C
27 Jesus said to his disciples: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
28 You heard me tell you, ‘I am going away and I will come back to you.’ If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. – John 14:27-28
Catholic Readings For Today
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Saint of the Day for May 20 2025
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
This is a great reminder that we should frequently take to heart. “Do not allow your heart to be troubled” and “Do not allow your heart to be afraid.” How often do you apply this guidance in your life?
It’s noteworthy that this is not merely guidance, but a loving directive from our Lord. He desires us to understand that feeling troubled and afraid goes against His will.
Experiencing feelings of being troubled and fearful is a heavy burden that can weigh us down, and Jesus desires us to be liberated from this burden. His desire is for us to live a joyful life free of these heavy emotions.
What is the thing in your life that causes the most burden? Is there something that you can’t stop thinking about, that makes you angry, or that you can’t let go of? Or maybe it’s something more subtle that weighs on you.
There may be nothing that overpowers you, but rather a persistent burden in a minor way that is always present in the background. Such burdens can be quite challenging to deal with, especially if they last for years.
To attain freedom, the initial step is to recognize the burden and acknowledge it for what it is. Identify the root cause of the burden and work towards resolving it.
If the burden is a result of your own wrongdoing, repent and seek Confession as it is the best way to achieve instant liberation.
If your burden is caused by someone else’s actions or by a situation beyond your control, you have a special opportunity to surrender to God and allow Him to take full control of the situation. Complete surrender and trust in His will can bring freedom.
Take some time today to think about what burdens you the most in life. What is it that causes you the most weight and heaviness?
It is this, more than anything else, that Jesus desires to enter and remove from you. He wants you to be liberated so that you can fully enjoy the happiness and joy that He has in store for you in life.
Let us Pray: Dear Lord, I desire to live a life of freedom and experience the joy that you have planned for me.
When I am overwhelmed by the challenges of life, please help me to turn to You for support and guidance. Jesus, I love you. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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