This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 18 2024.
👉 Saint John I, Pope and Martyr
Saint Elgiva of Shaftesbury
Saint Elgiva of Shaftesbury, also known as Aelfgifu, Aelgifu, Aelgytha, Algyva or Elfgiva, was Queen and wife of King Edmund I.
She was also Mother of King Edwy of Saxony, and Saint Edgar the Peaceful. She was widowed young and was well known all her life for her personal piety and support of the Church, endowing several churches and monasteries and later in life she retired to become a Benedictine nun and then abbess at Shaftesbury, England.
She died in the year 971 AD of natural causes and was lied to rest in Shaftesbury Abbey
Blessed Stanislaw Kubski
Blessed Stanislaw Kubski was born on the 13th of August 1876 in Ksiaz, Wielkopolskie, Poland and lived as a Priest in the archdiocese of Gniezno, Poland.
He suffered imprisonment and murdered as a martyr in the Nazi persecutions on the 18th of May 1942 in the gas chambers of Dachau, Oberbayern, Germany.
He is also included in the additional Memorial of 12th June as one of the 108 Martyrs of World War II. He was beatified on the June 13 1999 by Pope John Paul II.
Saint Dioscorus of Kynopolis
Saint Dioscorus of Kynopolis, also known as Dioscorus of Alexandria, was said to have lived as a Lector in a church in Kynopolis, Egypt.
He died as a martyr after being burned to death between sheets of red hot metal in the year 305 AD in Kynopolis, Egypt.
Saint Merililaun
Saint Merililaun, also known as Merolilaun, Merolitain or Merolilan, was born in England and was said to have lived as a pilgrim in the 8th century. He was said to have been martyred while en route to Rome, Italy near Rheims, France.
Saint Feredarius of Iona
Saint Feredarius of Iona was born in Ireland and was said to have lived as a monk and an Abbott of Iona in Scotland in 863. He died in the same year.
Saint Felix of Spoleto
Saint Felix of Spoleto lived as a bishop of Spoleto, Italy and was believed to have been martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian in 304 AD.
Saint Serapione of Alexandria
Saint Serapione of Alexandria was believed to have been murdered as a martyr in the year 341 in Alexandra, Egypt.
Saint Ortasio of Alexandria
Saint Ortasio of Alexandria was also believed to have been murdered as a martyr in the year 341 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.
Martyrs of Ancyra
Theodatus, Thecusa, Phaina, Matrona, Julitta, Euphrasia, Claudia and Alexandria are names of those commonly known as the Martyrs of Ancyra. They are said to be a group of seven nuns martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian together with their innkeeper who was executed for giving them a Christian burial in the year 304 AD in Ancyra, Galatia in modern Turkey.
Other Saint of the Day for May 18 2024
- Blandina Merten
- Felice of Split
- Thomas Son Cha-am

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