This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 3 2025.
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Saint Daniel of Padua
Enoch the Patriarch
Saint Genevieve
Saint Blitmund of Bobbio
Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara
Saint Fintan of Doon
Saint Finlugh of Derry
Saint Gordius of Cappadocia
Pope Saint Antherus
Saint Hymnemodus of Saint-Maurice
Saint Bertilia of Mareuil
Saint Imbenia
Blessed William Vives
Saint Theogenes of Cyzicus
Saint Zosimus of Cilicia
Saint Theopemptus of Nicomedia
Saint Peter of Palestine
Saint Athanasius of Cilicia
Saint Athanasius of Cilicia was a witness to the torture of Zosimus of Cilicia during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian.
Inspired by Zosimus’s courage and unwavering faith, Athanasius converted to Christianity. As a result, he too was subjected to torture alongside Zosimus.
Though he survived these brutal persecutions, Athanasius chose a life of solitude and became a hermit, dedicating the remainder of his life to his faith.
Due to his immense suffering and readiness to die for his beliefs, he is often regarded as a martyr.
Saint Theonas
St Theonas, also known as Synesius or Teonas, was originally a pagan magician who converted to Christianity through the influence of Saint Theopemptus of Nicomedia.
He is remembered for his martyrdom during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian around the year 284 AD.
His feast day is commemorated on several dates, including January 5 in the Orthodox tradition and January 19 in the Armenian Church.
Saint Melorius
St Melorius was born in Cornwall, England. He was also known as Meilleur, Melar, Melior, Meliorus, Melon, Melor, Melorus or Mylor.
He has an additional Memorial on October 1 (translation of relics). He was venerated in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England and in Quimper, Brittany, France.
Blessed Arnold Wala
Blessed Arnold Wala was born in the early 12th century AD. He was a Premonstratensian monk and a canon of the monastery of St Cornelius in Ninove, Belgium.
He was the prior of the monastery for 40 years and an abbot of the house. In 1190 AD, he died due to natural causes.
Saint Bertille of Thuringia
St Bertille of Thuringia was born a princess and was also known as Bertilia.
She married St Walbert of Hainault. She was the mother of St Waltrude and St Aldegundis. In 660 AD, she died due to natural causes.
Saint Florentius of Vienne
St Florentius of Vienne was also known as Florens or Florent. He was a fourth-century bishop of Vienne, France and attended the Council of Valence in 374 AD.
In 377 AD, he died in Vienne, France due to natural causes.
Saint Florentius of Vienne the Martyr
St Florentius of Vienne the Martyr was a third-century bishop of Vienne, France.
He was exiled from Vienne by Emperor Gallienu and martyred while in exile. He died in 275 AD.
Saint Cyrinus of Cyzicus
St Cyrinus of Cyzicus was a soldier in the Roman army. He died as a martyr in 320 AD at Cyzicus on the Hellespont (part of modern Turkey).
Saint Eustadius
St Eustadius was also known as Eustade. He was a pious 6th-century monk and an abbot of Saint-Benignus Abbey in Dijon, France.
He was the great uncle of St Gregory of Tours.
Saint Primus of Cyzicus
Blessed Daniel of Himmerod
Blessed Daniel of Himmerod was also known as Daniel Himmerod the Younger. He was a Cistercian monk.
Saint Constant of Gap
St Constant of Gap was an early sixth-century bishop of Gap, France. He attended the Council of Orange in 519 AD.
Saint Lucian of Lentini
St Lucian of Lentini was also known as Lucien. He was a bishop of Lentini, Sicily.
Saint Wenog
St Wenog was born in Wales and was listed on several liturgical calendars, but no details of his life have survived.
Saint Salvator of Belluno
St Salvator of Belluno was a bishop of Belluno, Italy. He was also a miracle worker.
Martyrs of Africa
The Martyrs of Africa were a group of Christians martyred together in Africa at an unknown date and location.
Their names are;
- Acuta
- Candidus
- Constantius
- Eugenia
- Firmus
- Hilarinus
- Lucida
- Martial
- Poenica
- Possessor
- Rogatianus
- Statutianus
Martyrs of Tomi
The Martyrs of Tomi were a group of Christians martyred together at an unknown date.
They died at Tomi, Exinius Pontus, Moesia (modern Constanta, Romania).
Their names are;
- Claudon
- Diogenius
- Eugene
- Eugentus
- Pinna
- Rhodes
- Rhodo
Catholic Saint Feast Days in January

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