Saint of the Day for October 29 2024

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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 29 2024.

👉 Saint Gaetano Errico

Saint Abraham Kidunaia

Blessed Chiara Badano

Saint Achahildis of Wendelstein

Saint Narcissus of Jerusalem

Saint Abraham of Rostov

Saint Dodone of Wallers-en-Fagne

Saint Mary of Edessa

Saint Colman of Kilmacduagh

Saint Anne of Mount Olympus

Saint Honoratus of Vercelli

Saint Ermelinda of Meldaert

Saint Stephen of Caiazzo

Saint Theodore of Vienne

St Theodore of Vienne was also known as Theudar, Teuderio, or Teodario.

He was a priest, a monk, and a spiritual student of Saint Caesarius of Arles.

He became an abbot of a monastery in Vienne, France, and founded several monasteries in the region.

Later in his life, he lived as a hermit in the church of Saint Laurence in Vienne. He died in 575 AD.

Saint Eusebia of Bergamo

St Eusebia of Bergamo was the niece of Saint Domnio and a nun in Bergamo, Italy.

She was beheaded and martyred in the late 3rd century during the persecutions of Maximian Herculeus. Her relics were re-discovered and enshrined in 1401 AD.

Saint Zenobius of Sidon

St Zenobius of Sidon was also known as Zenobio. He was a priest who encouraged condemned Christians, not to abandon their faith and as a consequence, was martyred in Sidon, Phoenicia during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Sigolinus of Stavelot

St Sigolinus of Stavelot was also known as Sighelm. He was a monk and an abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy Abbey in Belgium. In 670 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Terence of Metz

St Terence was the Bishop of Metz, France. He was a noted scholar who fought for orthodox doctrines. In 520 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Felician of Carthage

St Felician of Carthage was also known as Feliciano. He died as a martyr in Carthage, North Africa.

Saint Donatus of Corfu

St Donatus relics were enshrined in Corfu by Saint Gregory the Great in 600  AD. 

Saint Kennera

St Kennera was educated together with Saint Regulus of Patras and Saint Ursula. She was a nun and a Recluse at Kirk-Kinner, Galloway, Scotland.

Saint John of Autun

St John of Autun was a Bishop venerated at Autun, France.

Martyrs of Douai

The Martyrs of Douai were a group of 160 priests, laymen, and religious who studied at the English College in Douai, France.

They returned to England to minister to covert Catholics and were murdered for their work during a period of government persecution of the Church.

Martyrs of Lucania

The Martyrs of Lucania were a group of Christians who were executed together for their faith in Lucania, southern Italy.

Their names are;

  • Felician
  • Hyacinth
  • Lucius
  • Quintus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Victoria Arregui Guinea
  • Blessed Ponciano Nieto Asensio
  • Blessed Maurilio Tobar González
  • Blessed José Ruiz Bruixola
  • Blessed Joaquina Rey Aguirre
  • Blessed Benito Paradela Novoa
  • Blessed Arsenio Merino Miguel

Other Saints of the Day for October 29 2024

  • Bernardo de Olivella

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 29 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 29 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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