St Heldrad of Novalese Biography – Feast Day: March 13 – Saint of the Day

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Today is Sunday, September 1, 2024

St Heldrad of Novalese Feast Day, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, Profession, Place of Work, Date of Death, Place of Death, Beatification Date, Canonization Date

The Memorial of St Heldrad

He was also known as:

  • Aldradus
  • Eldrad
  • Eldrado
  • Eldradus
  • Heldradus
  • Heltrodus
Heldrad of Novalese, Monk was born on 9th Century in France, Europe. Worked in Rome, Italy. Died: 842 AD in Novalesa Abbey, Italy. Feast Day is celebrated on March 13.
The Memorial of St Heldrad – Saint of the Day Biography 

Heldrad, Monk Profile

Date of Birth 9th Century
Country of Birth France of Europe
Matrimony/Holy Orders Monks who became Saints
Profession Monk
Place of Work Rome, Italy
Date of Death 842 AD
Place of Death Novalesa Abbey, Italy
Feast Day March 13
Beatification Beatified by Pope Saint Pius X (cultus confirmed) on 9 December 1904
Canonization Canonized by N/A
Patron Saint of  

St Heldrad’s Biography

St Heldrad of Novalese was born in a wealthy family. He was born in the province of France. St Heldrad spent his fortune on charity, he then set out for a mission to Rome, Italy as a mendicant.

Heldrad was a Benedictine Monk at the Abbey Saint Peter and Andrew at Novalese in the Alps in 726, a community which has many former pilgrims.

Heldrad was the head of the other Monks of the house for 30 years during which he substantially expanded the library and built a hospice for the safety of the travelers on Mount Cenis

Today’s St Heldrad Quote:


St Heldrad of Novalese
St Heldrad of Novalese

St Heldrad of Novalese Death

He died in 842 at the Novalesa Abbey. Heldrad died of natural causes. His relics were transferred to the parish church in Novalesa, Italy in 1794.

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