Saint of the Day for February 4 2025

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Today is Tuesday, March 18, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 4 2025.

👉Saint Aldate of Gloucester

Saint Eutychius of Rome

Saint Cuanna of Lismore

Saint Joseph of Leonessa

Saint John de Brito

Saint Jane of Valois

Saint Aventinus of Troyes

Saint Gilbert of Sempringham

Blessed Rabanus Maurus

Saint Theophilus the Penitent

Saint Nicholas Studites

Saint Modan

Saint Isidore of Pelusium

Blessed Dionisio de Vilaregut

Blessed Alfonso de Meneses

Blessed John Speed

Saint Phileas of Alexandria

Saint Obitius

Saint Filoromus of Alexandria

Saint Liephard of Cambrai

St Liephard of Cambrai was also known as Léoffort, Leoffortus, Liefard, Lieffardus, Lietfardus, Lietphardus, Lifardus, Liffardus, Liphard, Liphardus, Luitwardus.

He was a bishop born in England and travelled with King Caedwalla on a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy. He was killed in 640 AD near Cambrai, France and died as a martyr on his return trip to England.

Saint Aventinus of Chartres

St Aventinus of Chartres was born to the French nobility and died of natural causes in 520 AD. He was a brother of St Solemnis of Chartres.

He was a bishop of Chateaudun, France and also a bishop of Chartres, France from 511 AD. Supported the Acts of the Council of Orleans. His relics were re-interred in 1853 AD.

Saint Aldate of Gloucester

St Aldate of Gloucester was also known as Aldate of Caer Loew, Aldad, Eldad, Eldadus or Eldate. He was a Britain bishop of Gloucester, England.

He rallied his flock and fellow citizens to resist invasion by pagans from western Britain. He later died in the 5th century.

Saint Eutychius of Rome

St Eutychius of Rome was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He starved and then thrown into a well in the early 4th century along the Appian Way outside Rome, Italy

Saint Cuanna of Lismore

St Cuanna of Lismore was also known asCuona or Cuannachaeus. He was a seventh-century bishop of Lismore, Ireland, a monk and an abbot at Cuannach, Ireland and also at Connacie, Ireland.

Saint Nithard

St Nithard died in 845 AD. He was a Benedictine monk at New Corbie Abbey, Saxony (in modern Germany).

Worked with St Ansgar, preaching to pagans in Scandinavia and was martyred by pagan Swedes.

Saint Vulgis of Lobbes

St Vulgis of Lobbes died of natural causes in 760 AD. He was a Benedictine monk, an abbot of Lobbes Abbey, Belgium and a bishop in the Hainault region of Belgium.

Saint John of Irenopolis

St John of Irenopolis was a bishop of Irenopolis, Asia Minor (in modern Turkey). He attended the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and worked against Arianism.

Saint Vincent of Troyes

St Vincent of Troyes died of natural causes in 546 AD. He was an evangelizing bishop of Troyes, France from 536 AD until his death.

Saint Aquilinus of Fossombrone

St Aquilinus of Fossombrone was a third-century martyr martyred at Fossombrone, Italy.

Saint Gelasius of Fossombrone

St Gelasius of Fossombrone was a third-century martyr martyred at Fossombrone, Italy.

Saint Donatus of Fossombrone

St Donatus of Fossombrone was a third-century martyr martyred at Fossombrone, Italy

Saint Geminus of Fossombrone

St Geminus of Fossombrone was a third-century martyr martyred at Fossombrone, Italy

Saint Magnus of Fossombrone

St Magnus of Fossombrone was a third-century martyr and later martyred at Fossombrine, Italy

Saint Firmus of Genoa

St Firmus of Genoa died as a martyr in Genoa, Italy.

Saint Themoius

St Themoius, also known as Themius, was a martyr.

Martyrs of Perga

Martyrs of Perga was a group of shepherds martyred in the persecutions of Decius. The only details we have about them are the names – Claudian, Conon, Diodorus and Papias. They died in 250 AD in Perga, Asia Minor (in modern-day Turkiye).

Jesuit Martyrs of Japan

A collective memorial of all members of the Jesuits who have died as martyrs for the faith in Japan.

  • Saint Paul Suzuki
  • Saint Paul Miki
  • Saint John Soan de Goto
  • Saint James Kisai
  • Blessed Vincentius Kaun
  • Blessed Simon Yempo
  • Blessed Petrus Rinsei
  • Blessed Paulus Shinsuke
  • Blessed Michaël Tozo
  • Blessed John Baptist Machado de Tavora
  • Blessed Jerome de Angelis
  • Blessed Iulianus Nakaura
  • Blessed Ioannes Kisaku
  • Blessed Gundisalvus Fusai Chozo
  • Blessed Giovanni Battista Zola
  • Blessed Francisco Pacheco
  • Blessed Dionysius Fugixima
  • Blessed Diego Carvalho
  • Blessed Charles Spinola
  • Blessed Camillus Costanzo
  • Blessed Baltasar de Torres Arias
  • Blessed Augustine Ota
  • Blessed Antony Ixida
  • Blessed Ambrose Fernandez

Other Saints of the Day for February 4 2025

  • Irmtruda
  • Imerio di Bosto
  • Gilbert of Limerick
  • Gemolo
  • Feast of Reparation
  • Christian of Himmeroda
  • Ammonisia
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 4 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 4 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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