Saint of the Day for January 15 2025

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 15 2025.

👉 Saint Maurus

Saint Macarius of Egypt

Blessed Nikolaus Gross

Blessed Gabriel of Ferrara

Saint Arnold Janssen

Saint Romedio of Nonsberg

Saint Francis Ferdinand de Capillas

Saint John Calabytes

Saint Placid

Saint Ephysius of Sardinia

Saint Ita of Killeedy

Saint Botonto

Blessed Angelus of Gualdo Tadino

Blessed Peter of Castelnau

Blessed Tit Liviu Chinezu

Saint Bonitus of Clermont

Saint Cosmas the Melodist

Blessed Giacomo Villa

Saint Ceolwulph

Saint Alexander of Goman

Saint Emebert of Cambrai

Saint Lleudadd of Bardsey

Blessed Conan of Margam

Blessed Diego de Soto

Blessed Diego de Soto was born in Toledo, Spain and was a Mercedarian monk. He was a spiritual student of Saint Serapion of Algiers and a master of novices.

He was sent to Granada to redeem prisoners held captive by Muslims. Blessed Diego was imprisoned, tortured, starved and killed for his faith. He died in 1237 in prison in Granada, Spain as a martyr.

Saint Pansofius of Alexandria

Saint Pansofius of Alexandria was the son of the imperial pro-consul of Alexandria, Egypt. When Pansofius came into his inheritance, he gave away his entire fortune to the poor and lived as a hermit outside the city for over 20 years.

During the persecutions of Decius, Pansofius’ reputation for sanctity led to his arrest and execution. He died in 250 AD in Alexandria, Egypt as a martyr.

Saint Secondina of Anagni

Saint Secondina of Anagni was born in Anangni, Italy and after being converted he was baptized by Saint Magnus of Anangni.

He was martyred in 250 AD in the persecutions of Decius. He was interred in the cathedral of Anangni, Italy

Saint Blaithmaic of Iona

Saint Blaithmaic of Iona also known as Blathmac or Blaithmale was born a prince, the son of an Irish king. He became a monk and abbot.

St Blaithmaic was a missionary to England and Scotland, hoping to work with the pagan Danes then invading. They then martyred him and he died in 823 AD on the altar steps at Iona Abbey, Scotland.

Saint Isidore the Egyptian

Saint Isidore the Egyptian also known as Sidore of Alexandria born Egyptian was a hermit in the desert. He was the priest in charge of the Alexandria Pilgrims Hospice and he opposed Arianism.

He was a friend of Saint John Chrysostom and supported Saint Athanasius. In 404 AD, he died after being persecuted by the Arians.

Saint Arsenius of Reggio Calabria

Saint Arsenius of Reggio Calabria also known as Arsenius of Armo or Arsenio was a hermit famous for his austere lifestyle and deep prayer life. He died in 904 AD in Armo, Italy of natural causes.

Saint Teath

Saint Teath also known as Tetha was born a princess, the daughter of Saint Brychan of Brecknock in Wales. She is mentioned in 13th-century documents.

A Cornwall church bears her name. No details of her life have survived. She is the patron of Saint Teath, Cornwall, England.

Blessed James the Beggar

Blessed James the Beggar also known as James Limosnero or Jacob was a supporter and advocate for the poor. He was oppressed in the 13th century and died in Città della Pieve, Umbria, Italy.

Saint Tarsicia of Rodez

Saint Tarsicia of Rodez also known as Tarsitia was the granddaughter of King Clotaire II of the Franks. She was the sister of Saint Ferreolus of Uzès and lived as a hermit near Rodez, France. In 600 AD, she died of natural causes.

Saint Secundina of Rome

Saint Secundina of Rome was a young woman martyred in the persecutions of Decius. Her guards were converted to Christianity by her testimony of faith before the judges. She was flogged to death in 250 AD in Rome, Italy

Saint Britta

Saint Britta also known as Bridget, Brigid, Brigida, Brigitta, Brigitte or Britte was a fourth-century nun. She was martyred with Saint Maura. Their story was lost, and their relics were discovered by Saint Euphronius.

Saint Isidore of Scété

Saint Isidore of Scété was a desert hermit and the priest of Scété, Egypt. He worked to bring angry or negligent brother-desting monks back to proper devotion. He died in 394 AD.

Blessed Geoffrey of Peronne

Blessed Geoffrey of Peronne was a friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and prior of Clairvaux Abbey. He refused the bishopric of Tournai, Belgium and died in 1147 of natural causes

Saint Llewellyn

Saint Llewellyn also known as Llywelyn born in Welsh a monk at Welshpool and Bardsey. He was a friend of Saint Gwrnerth and died in the 6th-century in Wales of natural causes.

Saint Eugyppius

Saint Eugyppius born in North Africa was ordained in Rome, Italy. He worked with Saint Severinus in Noricum part of modern Austria and wrote a biography of him. He died in 511 AD.

Saint Malard of Chartres

Saint Malard of Chartres was the bishop of Chartres, France and attended the Council of Chalons-sur-Saone in 650 AD. He died in the later 7th century.

Saint Gwrnerth

Saint Gwrnerth born in Welsh was a monk at Welshpool and Bardsey in Wales. He was a friend of Saint Llewellyn. and died in the 6th century in Wales of natural causes.

Saint Maura

Saint Maura was a fourth-century nun martyred with Saint Britta. Their story was lost, but their relics were discovered by Saint Euphronius.

Saint Sawl

Saint Sawl born in Welsh was a Welsh chieftain and father of Saint Asaph. He died in the 6th century.

Saint Probus of Rieti

Saint Probus of Rieti was the bishop of Rieti, Italy and died in 1571.

Other Saints of the Day for January 15 2025

  • Our Lady of Banneux
  • Amaro the Pilgrim
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 15 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 15 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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