St John the Apostle and Evangelist – Feast Day – December 27 2024

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St John the Apostle and Evangelist was born in 6 AD in the Palestinian Territories in Asia.

He was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.

He is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors.

He died peacefully in the year 100 AD.

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist’s feast day is celebrated on December 27.

St John the Apostle and Evangelist Biography
Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist - 1 John 1:1-4 - Bible Verse of the Day
Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist
Date of Birth 6 AD
Profession Apostle of Jesus
Place of Death Patmos, Greece
Feast Day December 27
Canonization Pre-Congregation
Patron Saint of Love,

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist Life History

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist was born in 6 AD in Palestinian Territories in Asia. He was a son of Zebedee and Salome and also a brother to Saint James the Great.

He was a fisherman and his brother Saint James the Great until meeting Jesus and becoming an apostle.

Compering with other apostles he was the youngest called to follow Christ on the banks of the Jordan during the first days of Our Lord’s ministry. Jesus referred to the pair as “Boanerges” (translated “sons of thunder”).

Saint John the Apostle, along with Saint James and Saint Peter, witnessed the most significant events in Jesus’ life such as the Transfiguration and the Agony in the garden.

Additionally, he was the disciple whom Jesus loved. At the Last Supper, his head rested on the bosom of Jesus, and in the hours of the Passion, when others fled or denied their Master, St. John kept his place by the side of Jesus and stood by the last cross with Mary.

From the cross, the dying Saviour bequeathed His Mother to the care of the faithful apostle, who “from that hour took her to his own;” thus fitly, as St. Austin says, “to a virgin was the Virgin entrusted.”After the Ascension, St. John lived first at Jerusalem, and then at Ephesus.

He was thrown by Domitian into a cauldron of boiling oil and is thus reckoned a martyr, though miraculously preserved from hurt.

Because John witnessed the events of Jesus, he wrote his gospel. Additionally,  he wrote the letters of John the three Epistles of John, and the book of Revelation.

Afterward, he was banished to the isle of Patmos, where he received the heavenly visions described in the Apocalypse. He died at a great age, in peace, at Ephesus, in the year 100 AD.

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist’s Birth

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist was born in 6 AD in the Palestinian Territories in Asia.

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist’s death

He died at a great age, in peace, at Ephesus, in the year 100 AD.

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist’s Parents

His parents were Zebedee and Salome.

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist’s Brother

His brother was Saint James the Great

Feast Day

The feast day of Saint John in the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion and Lutheran Calendars is on December 27. In orthodox churches, the feast day is on September 26.


He is attributed with a book, a serpent in a chalice, a cauldron, eagle.


He was venerated by all Christian denominations which venerated saints.

Major works

John was held by the church tradition as the author of the Gospel of John, the three epistles of John (1 John, 2 John, and 3 John), and the book of Revelation.

Patron Saint of

Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist is the Patron Saint of

  • Love
  • loyalty
  • Friendships
  • Authors
  • Booksellers
  • Burn-victims
  • Poison-victims
  • Art-dealers
  • Editors
  • Publishers
  • Scribes
  • Examinations
  • Scholars
  • Theologians


He was canonized Pre-Congregation

Prayer to St John The Apostle and Evangelist

O Glorious Apostle, Saint John, why for thy virginal purity was so beloved by Jesus as to merit to rest thy head upon His divine Bosom, and to be left, in His stead, as a son to His most holy Mother, I implore thee to set me on fire with a burning love for Jesus and Mary.

Obtain for me, I pray this grace from our Lord, that, even now, with my heart set free from earthly affections, I may be made worthy to be forever united to Jesus as His faithful disciple and to Mary as her devoted child both here and on earth and then forever in heaven. Amen.

Today’s Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist Quote:

St John is a living example of Our Lord’s saying, “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God,”

Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist - 1 John 1:1-4 - Bible Verse of the Day
Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist

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