Saint of the Day for September 26 2024

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Today is Monday, September 30, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 26 2024.

👉 Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs

Blessed Louis Tezza

Saint Marie Victoire Therese Couderc

Saint Nilus the Younger

Saints Cyprian and Julian of Antioch

Gideon the Judge

Saint John of Meda

Blessed Stephen of Rossano Calabro

Saint Amantius of Tiphernum

St Amantius of Tiphernum was a priest and a friend of Pope Saint Gregory the Great. Because of his miracle works, Pope Saint Gregory the Great compared Amantius to the Apostles.

In 600 AD, he died at Tiphernum, now modern-day Citta di Castello, Italy. He is the patron saint of Citta di Castello, Italy.

Saint Callistratus of Constantinople

St Callistratus of Constantinople was one of a group of 50 African soldiers who were sewn into sacks and thrown into the sea to drown and ultimately martyred at Constantinople in 300 AD during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Meugant

St Meugant was also known as Maughan, Mawghan, or Morgan. He was a spiritual student of Saint Illtyd in the sixth century.

He became a hermit and died in the Isle of Bardsey, Wales. In Wales and Cornwall, several churches are dedicated to him.

Saint Colman of Elo

St Colman of Elo was the nephew of Saint Columba of Iona. He founded monasteries in Muckamore and Lynally (Land-Elo, Lin-Alli) in Ireland. He wrote the Alphabet of Devotion. He died in 610 AD.

Saint Eusebius of Bologna

St Eusebius of Bologna was a friend of Saint Ambrose of Milan and also the Bishop of Bologna, Italy in 370 AD. He fought against Arianism and died in 400 AD.

Saint Vigilius of Brescia

St Vigilius of Brescia was the Bishop of Brescia, Italy. He died in 506 AD.

Saint Senator of Albano

St Senator of Albano died as a martyr and is the patron saint of the Diocese of Albano, Italy.

Martyrs of Korea

The Martyrs of Korea were twelve lay people in the apostolic vicariate of Korea who were imprisoned, tortured, beheaded, and ultimately martyred together in September 1839 in Seoul Prison, South Korea during the persecutions in Korea.

On May 6 1984, they were canonized by Pope John Paul II

They are also celebrated in an additional memorial on September 20 as one of the Martyrs of Korea.

Their names are;

  • Saint Sebastianus Nam I-Gwan
  • Saint Perpetua Hong Kum-Ju
  • Saint Magdalena Pak Pong-Son
  • Saint Magdalena Ho Kye-Im
  • Saint Magdalena Cho
  • Saint Lucia Kim
  • Saint Iulitta Kim
  • Saint Ignatius Kim Che-Jun
  • Saint Columba Kim Hyo-Im
  • Saint Catharina Yi
  • Saint Carolus Cho Shin-Ch’ol
  • Saint Agatha Chon Kyong-Hyob

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Teresa Rosat Balasch
  • Blessed Pau Castell´ Barber´
  • Blessed María Jord´ Botella
  • Blessed Manuel Legua Martí
  • Blessed Josefa Romero Clariana
  • Blessed Antonio Cid Rodríguez
  • Blessed Andreu Felíu Bartomeu

Other Saints of the Day for September 26 2024

  • Kaspar Stanggassinger
  • Bonaventure Esteve Flors
  • Lucia from Caltagirone
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 26 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is September 26 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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