This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 24 2025.
👉 Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr
Saint Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad
Saint Wilfrid of York
Saint Mary Euphrasia Pelletier
Saint William Firmatus
Saint Egbert of Rathemigisi
Saint Benedetto Menni
Saint Mary Salome
Saint Ivo of Huntingdonshire
Saint Mellitus of Canterbury
Saint Anthimos of Nicomedia
Our Lady of Bonaria
Saint Bova of Rheims
Saint Diarmaid of Armagh
St Diarmaid of Armagh was also known as Dermot. He was Irish and became the bishop of Armagh, Ireland in 834 AD.
He was renowned for his learning. He was driven from his see by the usurper Foraunan in 835 AD. St Diarmaid ruled for a year from Connacht and then returned in 836 AD. In 841 AD the see was destroyed by Vikings. He died around 852 AD.
Saint Mary of Cleophas
St Mary of Cleophas, or Mary of Clopas, was the mother of Saint James the Lesser and the sister of the Virgin Mary. She was at the Crucifixion and visited Christ’s tomb on Easter morning.
Saint Deodatus of Blois
Saint Deodatus of Blois, who is also known as Dié or Deodato, is honored with an extra Memorial on 22 August in Azeglio, Italy.
He lived as a hermit near Blois, France, and the town of Saint-Dié, France, developed around his dwelling.
Later on, he became a Bishop, and he died in 525 AD from natural causes. He is revered as a patron saint in Azeglio, Italy.
Saint Sabas the Goth of Rome
Saint Sabas the Goth, who was also called Sabas Stratelates, was a member of the Gothic people and served as a military officer in Rome.
He and 70 others, whose identities are unknown, were subjected to torture and murder during the persecutions of Aurelian.
Their alleged offense was visiting Christians who were imprisoned. Sabas died as a martyr by drowning in Rome, Italy, in the year 272 AD.
Saint Authaire of La-Ferté
St Authaire of La-Ferté, also known as Oye of La-Ferté, was the father of Saint Ouen of Rouen and served as a courtier to King Dagobert I of France.
He was renowned for his acts of charity towards the poor. He died in the 7th century and is venerated as a patron saint of La-Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France.
Saint Doda of Rheims
Saint Doda of Rheims, also known as Deuteria or Dode, was the niece of Saint Balderic and Saint Bova of Rheims.
She joined the Saint Peter monastery in Rheims, France, as a nun and later became its abbess. She died in the 7th century, and her relics are housed at the Saint-Pierre Monastery in Rheims, France.
Saint Lupicinus of Lipidiacum
Saint Lupicinus of Lipidiacum, also known as Lupicino, was a wanderer and hermit in the sixth century.
He was renowned for his great piety, as well as for carrying a heavy stone on his head as an act of penance.
Additionally, he was known for his ability to heal the sick by making the sign of the cross over them.
Saint Alexander of Lyon
Saint Alexander of Lyon was a close associate of Saint Epipodius of Lyon and worked alongside him. He was of Greek origin and was imprisoned, scourged severely to the point where his ribs were exposed, and ultimately executed with 34 other companions during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius. He died in the year 178 AD in Lyons, France.
Saint Gregory of Elvira
Saint Gregory of Elvira, also known as Gregory Bæticus, served as the Bishop of Elvira, Spain, in the year 375 AD.
He was a staunch opponent of Arianism in his diocese and refused to make any compromises with heretics or their heretical beliefs.
Additionally, he authored several works on the topics of faith and scripture. He died in 394 AD.
Saint Hermirzius
Saint Hermirzius, also known as Erminio, died as a martyr in Rome, Italy, although the exact date of his death is unknown.
His relics were placed in a gilded wooden urn and enshrined in the church of Saint Benedict in Perugia, Italy, on April 23, 1662.
Saint Eusebius of Lydda
St Eusebius of Lydda converted to Christianity after being inspired by the courage and faith of Saint George.
He was martyred for his conversion in Lydda, Palestine, on the day after Saint George’s death in the year 304 AD.
Saint Leontius of Lydda
Saint Leontius of Lydda converted to Christianity after being inspired by the courage and faith of Saint George.
He was martyred for his conversion in Lydda, Palestine, on the day after Saint George’s death in the year 304 AD.
Saint Longinus of Lydda
Saint Longinus of Lydda became a Christian after being moved by the courage and faith of Saint George.
He was martyred for his conversion in Lydda, Palestine, on the day after Saint George’s death in the year 304 AD.
Saint Neon of Lydda
Saint Neon of Lydda converted to Christianity after witnessing the courage and faith of Saint George.
As a result of his conversion, he was martyred in Lydda, Palestine, on the day after Saint George’s death in the year 304 AD.
Saint Tiberio of Pinerolo
Saint Tiberio of Pinerolo served as a soldier in the Theban Legion and died as a martyr in the 3rd century near Pinerolo, Italy.
Saint Dyfnan of Anglesey
Saint Dyfnan of Anglesey, a native of Wales, established a church in Anglesey and died in the 5th century.
Saint Honorius of Brescia
Saint Honorius of Brescia lived as a hermit in the vicinity of Brescia, Italy. He later served as the Bishop of Brescia from 577 AD until his death in 586 AD.
Other Saints of the Day for April 24 2025
- Mercedarian Martyrs of Paris

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