St Magdalene of Nagasaki – Feast Day – October 15 2024

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Today is Sunday, February 16, 2025

St Magdalene of Nagasaki, also known as Magdalena, was a tertiary of the Order of Augustinian Recollects who served as a translator and catechist.

She was born in 1611 in Nagasaki, Japan, and died as a martyr on October 15 1634 at the young age of 23 in Nishizaka, Nagasaki, Japan.

We celebrate her feast day on September 28 every year in the Catholic Church, and on October 20 as one of the Augustinian Martyrs of Japan.

St Magdalene of Nagasaki Biography
St Magdalene of Nagasaki - Feast Day - October 20
St Magdalene of Nagasaki – Feast Day – October 20 2024
Date of Birth 1611 AD
Place of Birth Nagasaki, Japan
Place of Work Japan
Date of Death October 15 1634
Place of Death Nishizaka, Nagasaki, Japan
Feast Day October 15, September 28, and October 20
Beatification Beatified by Pope John Paul II on February 18 1981 in Manila, Philippines
Canonization Canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 18 1987 at St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
Patron Saint of Secular Augustinian Recollects

St Magdalene of Nagasaki Life History

St Magdalene of Nagasaki’s parents were martyred around 1620 when she was about nine years old.

When the Augustinian Order arrived in Nagasaki, Magdalene became an Augustinian tertiary and served as an interpreter and catechist for Fathers Vincent of Saint Anthony Simoens and Francis of Jesus Terrero.

All the Augustinian friars that Magdalene worked for were martyred by the authorities. After hiding for some time she surrendered to the authorities and proclaimed herself a Christian.

She was tortured for thirteen days by suffocation and drowning in a pit full of water.

St Magdalene of Nagasaki died as a martyr on October 15 1634 at the age of 23.

After her death, her body was cremated and her ashes were scattered in Nagasaki Bay.

St Magdalene of Nagasaki was beatified by Pope John Paul II on February 18 1981 in Manila, Philippines, and canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 18 1987 at St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City.

We celebrate her feast day on September 28 every year in the Catholic Church, and on October 20 as one of the Augustinian Martyrs of Japan.

Other Catholic Saints whose Feast Days are in October

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