Saint of the Day for October 24 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 24 2024.

👉 Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop

Saint Luigi Guanella

Saint Proclus of Constantinople

Saint Senoch

Blessed Benigna Cardoso da Silva

Saint Martin of Vertou

Blessed Giuseppe Baldo

Saint Maglorius of Wales

Saint Fortunatus of Thibiuca

Saint Ruma of Najran

Saint Areta of Najran

Saint Giuse Lê Dang Thi

Blessed Amado García Sánchez

Saint Evergislus of Cologne

St Evergislus of Cologne was also known as Ebregesilus, Ebregisilo, Evergisio, Evergisius or Evergislo. He was a bishop of Cologne, Germany in the Fifth century. He was murdered by heathen robbers and died as a martyr.

Saint Felix of Thibiuca

St Felix of Thibiuca was also known as Felix Africanus. He was a Bishop of Thibiuca in North Africa who, for refusing to surrender sacred books for destruction, was martyred in 303 AD, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Marcius of Monte Cassino

St Marcius of Monte Cassino was also known as Mark or Martin. He was a hermit at Monte Cassino Abbey and also a hermit on Mount Massicus.

In 679 AD, he died of natural causes in Mondragone, Italy.

Saint Fromundus of Coutances

St Fromundus of Coutances was also known as Fromondo or Fromundo. He was a monk, an abbot and later the Bishop of Coutances, France. He died in 690 AD.

Saint Audactus of Thibiuca

St Audactus of Thibiuca was also known as Adauctus. In 303 AD, he was martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Ciriacus of Hierapolis

St Ciriacus of Hierapolis died as a martyr in Hierapolis, Phrygia, now in modern-day Turkey.

Saint Claudian of Hierapolis

St Claudian of Hierapolis died as a martyr in Hierapolis, Phrygia, now in modern-day Turkey.

Saint Januarius of Thibiuca

St Januarius of Thibiuca was martyred in 303 AD, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Septimus of Thibiuca

Saint Septimus of Thibiuca was martyred in 303 AD, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Cadfarch

St Cadfarch was a spiritual student of Saint Iltyd in the sixth century. He founded churches in Penegoes and Abererch in Wales.

Martyrs of Ephesus

The Martyrs of Ephesus were three Christians who were stoned to death and martyred together near Ephesus, Asia Minor, now in modern-day Turkey. Their relics are enshrined on the island of Tasos.

Their names are

  • Mark
  • Sotericus
  • Valentina

Martyrs of Najran

The Martyrs of Najran were also known as Martyrs of Nagrana. They were a group of 342 priests, religious and laypeople who were, in 523 AD, beheaded or burned alive and ultimately martyred together at Nagrana, now in modern-day Najran, Saudi Arabia by order of Dhu Nuwas, king of the Omeritani.

The king had converted to Judaism and therefore demanded that everyone in his kingdom do so, too.

Other Saints of the Day for October 24 2024

  • William of Anglesy
  • Ponzia
  • Petronilla
  • Florentin of Bonnet
  • Eximeno de Ayvar

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 24 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 24 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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