Saint of the Day for March 27 2025

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Today is Friday, October 18, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is March 27 2025.

👉Saint Rupert of Salzburg

Saint John of Lycopolis

Blessed Panacea de’Muzzi of Quarona

Blessed Francesco Faà di Bruno

Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli

Saint Augusta of Treviso

Blessed Louis-Èdouard Cestac

Blessed Pellegrino of Falerone

Saint Gelasius of Armagh

Blessed Frowin of Engelberg

Saint Alexander of Drizipara

Blessed Aimone of Halberstadt

Saint Matthew of Beauvais

Blessed Petrus Jo Yong-sam

Martyrs of Bardiaboch

Saint Philetus of Illyria

St Philetus of Illyria died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans.

He was a senator, husband to St Lydia of Illyria, and a father of St Macedo of Illyria and St Theoprepius of Illyria. He was martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Lydia of Illyria

St Lydia of Illyria died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans.

She was a wife to St Philetus of Illyria and a mother of St Macedo of Illyria and St Theoprepius of Illyria. She was martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Theoprepius of Illyria

St Theoprepius of Illyria, also known as Theoprepides, died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans.

He was a son of St Macedo of Illyria and St Lydia of Illyria and also a brother of St Theoprepius of Illyria. He was martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Ensfrid of Cologne

St Ensfrid of Cologne, also known as Enfrid, died of natural causes on March 27 1192 AD. He was a parish priest in Siegburg and Friedburg in Germany.

Additionally, He was a dean of the church of St Andrew in Cologne, Germany. Furthermore, he was noted for his works of charity including literally giving the shirt off his back to beggars.

Blessed Claudio Gallo

Blessed Claudio Gallo died of natural causes in 1304 AD. He was a Mercedarian, a patriarch of Antioch and a staunch defender of freedom for ecclesial unity.

Additionally, he was known as a scriptural scholar and for his devotion to the Mother of God.

Saint Romulus the Abbot

St Romulus the Abbot, also known as Romulus of Nimes, died in 730 AD. He was a monk and also an abbot of St Baudilius Abbey near Nimes, France.

During an invasion of Saracens in 720 AD, his brother monks together with him, fled Baudilius, settled in, and revitalized the ruined monastery at Saissy-les-Bois, France.

Saint Macedo of Illyria

St Macedo of Illyria died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans.

He was a son of St Philetus of Illyria and St Lydia of Illyria and also a brother of St Theoprepius of Illyria. Additionally, he was martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Amphilochius of Illyria

St Amphilochius of Illyria died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans. He was a military captain and also martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Cronidas of Illyria

St Cronidas of Illyria died in 121 AD in the imperial Roman province of Illyria, an area of the modern Balkans. He was a notary and was martyred in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Alexander of Pannonia

St Alexander of Pannonia was a third-century imperial Roman soldier and Christian stationed in Hungary. He was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Maximian Herculeus.

Saint Alkeld the Martyr

St Alkeld the Martyr, also known as Athilda, died in the 10th century. He was martyred by Danes. Additionally, two churches in Yorkshire, England are dedicated to her.

Saint Amator the Hermit

St Amator the Hermit, also known as Amador, was a hermit, and several churches in Portugal are dedicated to him.

Saint Suairlech of Fore

St Suairlech of Fore was the first bishop of Fore, Westmeath, Ireland from 735 AD till his death in 750 AD.

Other Saints of the Day for March 27 2025

  • Our Lady of Workers
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 27 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 27 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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