Saint of the Day for April 15 2024

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Today is Tuesday, September 24, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is April 15 2024.

👉Saint Hunna of Alsace

Saint Ruadhán of Lorrha

Saint Abbondio

Blessed Cesar de Bus

Blessed Laurentinus Sossius

Saint Basilissa of Rome

Saint Anastasia of Rome

Saint Maro of Rome

Saint Paternus of Avranches

Saint Paternus of Wales

St. Paternus of Wales, who was also called Badarn, Padarn, Paterno, or Patern, was born in 482 AD. He was involved in the establishment of Llanbadarn Fawr monastery in Wales, where he later became an abbot.

Paternus was renowned for his preaching in the Aberystwyth region of Wales. He died in the year 565 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Huna of Slättåkra

St. Huna of Slättåkra, a Christian widow, gained widespread recognition in rural Sweden for her philanthropic efforts towards the poor and the sick.

Although she never physically worked in Slättåkra, the town’s first church was named after her, and her reputation became closely linked with the locality.

Saint Waltmann of Cambrai

St. Waltmann of Cambrai, who was also recognized as Waltmann of Antwerp, was invited by St. Norbert of Xanten to Cambrai, France to preach against heresy.

After completing his mission, he became the abbot of St. Michael’s monastery in Antwerp, Belgium. He died of natural causes in the year 1138 AD.

Saint Victorinus of Rome

St. Victorinus of Rome was a companion of St. Flavia Domitilla, with whom he was banished to the island of Ponza.

He was subsequently martyred during the persecutions under Trajan in Rome, Italy.

Saint Eutyches of Rome

St. Eutyches of Rome was a comrade of St. Flavia Domitilla and was exiled with her to the island of Ponza.

He suffered martyrdom during the persecutions under Trajan in Rome, Italy.

Saint Ortario of Landelles

St. Ortario of Landelles was a monk who also served as the abbot of Landelles Abbey located in Bayeux, France.

His personal life was marked by austere practices, and he was recognized for his commitment to tending to the needs of the impoverished and ill.

Saint Nidger of Augsburg

St. Nidger of Augsburg, who was also referred to as Nidgar or Nitgar, served as an abbot of Ottobeuren in Bavaria, Germany, and later became the bishop of Augsburg, Germany. He died in the year 829 AD from natural causes.

Saint Eutychius of Ferentino

St. Eutychius of Ferentino died as a martyr in Ferentino, Italy. He appeared in a vision to St. Redemptus of Ferentini.

Saint Olympiades of Persia

St. Olympiades of Persia was born into a noble Persian family. He was beaten to death in 251 AD and suffered martyrdom during the persecutions under Decius.

Saint Crescens of Myra

St. Crescens of Myra, also called Crescent or Crescente, was burned at the stake and died as a martyr in Myra, which is now located in modern-day Turkey.

Saint Maximus of Persia

St. Maximus of Persia, a member of the Persian nobility, was beaten to death for his faith and died as a martyr during the persecution of Christians by Decius in 251 AD.

Saint Pausilopo of Thrace

St. Pausilopo of Thrace was also known as Pausilippo. He was martyred in Thrace in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Sylvester of RĂ©ome

St. Sylvester of RĂ©ome was an abbot of Moutier-Saint-Jean Abbey near Dijon, France. He died in 625 AD.

Saint Mundus

St. Mundus was also known as Munde, Mund, or Mond. He was an abbot who founded several monasteries in Argyle, Scotland. He died in 962 AD.

Saint Abbo II of Metz

St. Abbo II of Metz was a bishop of Metz, France from 697 AD to 707 AD. He died in the year 707 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Theodore of Thrace

St. Theodore of Thrace was martyred in Thrace in the persecutions of Hadrian.

Saint Acuta

St. Acuta was martyred in Mesopotamia.

Mercedarian Martyrs of Africa

A group of Mercedarian monks, known as the Mercedarian Martyrs of Africa, set sail for Africa with a mission to redeem captured Christians.

Unfortunately, they were captured by Moors, who subjected them to torture and ultimately executed them for their steadfast faith. The Mercedarian Martyrs of Africa died as martyrs in 1393.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 15 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 15 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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