Saint of the Day for August 1 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 1 2024.

👉 Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Martyrs of Nowogrodek

Feast of Saint Peter in Chains

Blessed Pierre-Lucien Claverie

Holy Maccabees

Saint Peter Faber

Saint Ethelwold of Winchester

Blessed Emericus of Quart

Saint Almedha

Blessed Gerhard Hirschfelder

Blessed Vicente Montserrat MillĂĄn

Blessed Giovanni Bufalari

Saint BĂȘnadĂŽ VĂ” Van DuĂȘ

Saints Faith, Hope and Charity

Saint Ðaminh Nguyen Van Hanh

Blessed Orlando of Vallombrosa

Saint Sophia

Blessed Aleksy Sobaszek

Saint Friard

Saint Felix of Gerona

Blessed Thomas Welbourne

Saint Peregrinus of Modena

Saint Buono

Portiuncula Indulgence

Saint Secundus of Palestrina

St Nemesius of Lisieux

Saint Brogan

Saint Exuperius of Bayeux

St Exuperius of Bayeux was also known as Exsuperije, Exupere, Soupierre, Soupir, Soupire, Spire or Spirius. He was the bishop of Bayeux, France in the Fourth century AD.

Saint Attius of Perga

St Attius of Perga was also known as Athius or Attus. By order of Flavian, he together with several companions was martyred for destroying the altar of a pagan goddess. They were beheaded in 300 AD at Perga, Pamphylia during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Alexander of Perga

St Alexander of Perga was martyred, by order of Flavian, for destroying the altar of a pagan goddess. He, with several other companions, was beheaded in 300 AD at Perga, Pamphylia during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Leontius of Perga

St Leontius of Perga was martyred, by order of Flavian, for destroying the altar of a pagan goddess. He, with several other companions, was beheaded in 300 AD at Perga, Pamphylia during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Blessed Rudolph

Blessed Rudolph was a Vallombrosan monk and a spiritual student of Saint John Gualbert. He later became the Abbot general.

He died of natural causes in 1076 AD. In 1600 AD, he was beatified by Bishop Alessandro de Medici of Fiesole through a cultus confirmation.

Saint Rioch

St Rioch was the nephew of Saint Patrick. St Patrick consecrated him to become a travelling, missionary bishop.

He was worn out due to his frequent travels and so he retired to live in a monastery in Inishboffin, Ireland where he became a monk and then later became the abbot. He died in 480 AD.

Saint Kenneth of Wales

St Kenneth of Wales was also known as Kined, Kyned or Cynydd of Wales. He was the son of a chieftain in the 6th century AD.

He was a hermit on the peninsula of Gower, Wales where the place was called Llangenydd in his honour.

Saint Jonatus

St Jonatus was a Benedictine monk at Elnone, Belgium. He was a spiritual student of Saint Amandus of Maastricht.

He became an Abbot at Saint Machiennes between 643 AD – 652 AD and at Elnone between 652 AD – 659 AD. He died in 690 AD.

Saint Arcadius

St Arcadius was the Bishop of Bourges, France. He attended the Council of Orléans in 538 AD. In 549 AD, he died of natural causes and his relics are kept at Saint Ursin, France.

Saint Verus of Vienne

St Verus was the Bishop of Vienne, Gaul in modern France. In 314 AD, he attended the Synod of Arles. He died of natural causes in 314 AD.

Saint Secundel

St Secundel was also known as Secondello. He was a friend of Saint Friard and a hermit on the island of Vindomitte, France. He died in the 6th century AD.

Saint Faustus

St Faustus was also known as Festus. He was a layman. He was martyred on the Latin Way, Rome, Italy together with eleven others.

Saint Justin of Paris

St Justin of Paris was a small child who was martyred in 290 AD at Louvre, archdiocese of Paris, France.

Saint Maur

St Maur was also known as Maurus. He was a layman. He was martyred on the Latin Way, Rome, Italy together with eleven others.

Martyrs of Philadelphia

The Martyrs of Philadelphia are a group of six Christians who were martyred in Philadelphia now in modern-day Alasehir, Turkey

Their names are

  1. Aquila
  2. Cyril
  3. Domitian
  4. Menander
  5. Peter
  6. Rufus

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are

  1. Vicente Montserrat MillĂĄn
  2. Sebastià Tarragó Cabré
  3. Justino AlarcĂłn Vera
  4. José de Miguel Arahal
  5. Joan Bonavida DellĂĄ
  6. Francisco Morales Valenzuela
  7. Francesc de Paula Soteras Culla
  8. Benito Iñiguez de Heredia Alzola

Other Saints of the Day for August 1 2024

  1. Severus of Aquitaine
  2. Nicholas de la Torre Merino
  3. Leo of Montefeltro
  4. Gionato
  5. Eleazar the Scribe
  6. Chiara of Orleans
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 1 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 1 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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