Saint of the Day for August 14 2024

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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 14 2024.

👉 Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Priest and Martyr

Blessed Michael Joseph McGivney

Saint Arnulf of Soissons

Blessed Vicente Rubiols Castelló

Saint Antony Primaldo and Companions

Blessed Félix Yuste Cava

Saint Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia

Saint Werenfridus

Saint Eusebius of Rome

Saint Marcellus of Apamea

Blessed Guglielmo of Parma

Blessed Guglielmo of Parma was also known as William. He was born to the Italian nobility.

He became a Mercedarian lay knight, after receiving induction from Saint Peter Nolasco.

He was known as a virtuous innocent young man. He died of natural causes at the Mercedarian convent in Barcelona, Spain.

Saint Fachanan of Ross

St Fachanan of Ross was also known as Fachtna or Facanano. He was a monk and later an abbot, Priest and the first bishop of Ross, Ireland.

He founded a monastery and school in the Rosscarbery area. This school became a celebrated seat of learning and therefore gained an international reputation for the study of sacred scripture.

He died in 600 AD and is the patron saint of The Diocese of Kilfenora, Ireland, and The Diocese of Ross, Ireland.

Saint Athanasia of Timia

St Athanasia of Timia was born in Aegina and married to her first husband who died fighting the Saracens while her second husband became a monk.

Athanasia transformed their home into a convent, then, in order to house a larger congregation, she built the Timia Abbey.

Her good reputation for holiness spread far and wide, and eventually, she became an advisor to Empress Theodora.

She died of natural causes in 860 AD at Timia Abbey.

Saint Ursicius of Nicomedia

St Ursicius of Nicomedia was born in Illyrium. He was also known as Ursicius of Illyrium, Ursicin, Ursicino, or Ursicinus.

He was a Tribune in the imperial Roman army. He was beheaded and martyred in 304 AD at Nicomedia, Turkey during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Blessed Sanctes Brancasino

Blessed Sanctes Brancasino was born in Monte Fabri, Italy, and was a Franciscan lay brother in Scotameto, Italy.

He died of natural causes in 1490 AD and was beatified by Pope Clement XIV.

Saint Franciso Shoyemon

St Franciso Shoyemon was a Japanese Lay Dominican catechist who was martyred on August 14 1633. He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 18 1987.

Saint Callistus of Todi

St Callistus became the Bishop of Todi, Italy in 523 AD. He was a zealous opponent of the heresy of Arianism.

He preached against the excesses and loose morals of the local nobility, but unfortunately, was murdered and died as a martyr in 528 AD by the servants of those nobles.

Saint Eberhard of Einsiedeln

Saint Eberhard of Einsiedeln was also known as Everard. He was born in Swabia, Germany. He was a monk and founder and the first abbot of Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland. He died in 958 AD.

Saint Eusebius of Palestine

Saint Eusebius of Palestine was martyred in the late 3rd century in Palestine during the persecutions of Maximian Herculeus.

Saint Demetrius of Africa

Saint Demetrius was martyred in Africa.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Vicente Rubiols Castelló
  • Blessed Segundo Pérez Arias
  • Blessed Ricardo Atanes Castro
  • Blessed José García Librán
  • Blessed Jocund Bonet Mercadé
  • Blessed Joaquín Frade Eiras
  • Blessed Ezequiél Prieto Otero
  • Blessed Basilio González Herrero
  • Blessed Antonio María Martín Povea
  • Blessed Ángel de la Red Pérez

Other Saints of the Day for August 14 2024

  • Lorenzo da Fermo
  • Elisabetta Renzi
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 14 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 14 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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