This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 15 2024.
👉 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Isidore Bakanja
Saint Stanislaus Kostka
Blessed Vicente Soler Munárriz
Blessed Luis Belda Soriano de Montoya
Saint David Roldán-Lara
Saint Manuel Moralez
Blessed Elvira Moragas Cantarero
Blessed Aimo Taparelli
Saint Salvador Lara Puente
Blessed Juan José Vivas-Pérez Bustos
Saint Luis Batiz Sainz
Blessed Alberto Berdini of Sarteano
Saint Simplician of Milan
Blessed Claudio Granzotto
Saint Arduinus of Rimini
Blessed AgustÃn Hurtado Soler
Blessed Pio Alberto del Corona
Saint Alipius of Tagaste
Saint Tarcisius
Blessed José MarÃa Peris Polo
Blessed Alfred of Hildesheim
Blessed Juliana Puricelli
Blessed George Halley
Blessed Elisabetta del Paradiso
Blessed Elisabetta was the sister of Blessed Maria del Paradiso. They both became Mercedarian nuns at the monastery of Santa Maria ad Argamasilla and stayed together in lives of austerity, prayer, and penance.
Blessed Maria del Paradiso
Blessed Maria was the sister of Blessed Elisabetta del Paradiso. They both became Mercedarian nuns at the monastery of Santa Maria ad Argamasilla and stayed together in lives of austerity, prayer, and penance.
Saint Arnulphus of Soissons
Saint Arnulphus of Soissons was an eleventh-century nobleman of Brabant, Belgium.
He was a soldier, then a monk at Soissons, France, and later the Bishop of Soissons.
He got tired and worn out while trying to restore order to his diocese and therefore, he retired to the Cistercian Abbey of Aldenberg near Cologne, Germany.
He died of natural causes in 1087 AD at Aldenberg Abbey in Germany.
Saint Napoleon of Alexandria
St Napoleon of Alexandria was Egyptian-born and was also known as Neópolo.Â
In the early 4th century AD, he was tortured to death and martyred in Alexandria, Egypt during the persecutions of Diocletian.
Blessed Ferdinando de Pazos
Blessed Ferdinando de Pazos was a Mercedarian friar who was assigned to ransom Christians enslaved by Muslims in Fez, Morocco.
After freeing more than 100 people, he stayed on to preach Christianity and died in Fez, Morocco.
Martyred Claretians of Barbastro
The Martyred Claretians of Barbastro were killed from August 2 to August 18 1936, in Barbastro, Huesca, Spain.
They were beatified on October 25 1992, by Pope John Paul II
Their names are
- Blessed Wenceslau ClarÃs Vilaregut
- Blessed Tomàs Capdevila Miró
- Blessed Teodoro Ruiz de Larrinaga GarcÃa
- Blessed Secundino Ortega GarcÃa
- Blessed Sebastián Calvo MartÃnez
- Blessed Sebastià Riera Coromina
- Blessed Salvador Pigem Serra
- Blessed Ramon Novich Rabionet
- Blessed Ramon Illa Salvia
- Blessed Rafael Briega Morales
- Blessed Pere Cunill Padrós
- Blessed Pedro GarcÃa Bernal
- Blessed Nicasio Sierra Ucar
- Blessed Miquel Masip González
- Blessed Manuel Torras Sais
- Blessed Manuel MartÃnez Jarauta
- Blessed Manuel Buil Lalueza
- Blessed LluÃs Masferrer Vila
- Blessed LluÃs Lladó Teixidor
- Blessed LluÃs Escalé Binefa
- Blessed Leoncio Pérez Ramos
- Blessed Juan Sánchez Munárriz
- Blessed Juan Echarri Vique
- Blessed Juan DÃaz Nosti
- Blessed Josep Ros Florensa
- Blessed Josep Ormo Seró
- Blessed Josep Maria BadÃa Mateu
- Blessed José Pavón Bueno
- Blessed José Figuero Beltrán
- Blessed José Blasco Juan
- Blessed José Amorós Hernández
- Blessed Joan Codinachs Tuneu
- Blessed Joan Baixeras Berenguer
- Blessed Jaume Falgarona Vilanova
- Blessed Hilario Llorente MartÃn
- Blessed Gregorio Chirivas Lacamba
- Blessed Francisco Castán Meseguer
- Blessed Francesc Roura Farró
- Blessed Felipe de Jesús Munárriz Azcona
- Blessed Eusebi Maria Codina MillÃ
- Blessed Esteve Casadevall Puig
- Blessed Eduardo Ripoll Diego
- Blessed Atanasio Vidaurreta Labra
- Blessed Antoni Dalmau Rosich
- Blessed AntolÃn Calvo y Calvo
- Blessed Alfons Sorribes Teixidó
- Blessed Alfons Miquel Garriga
- Blessed AgustÃn Viela Ezcurdia
Martyrs of Nicomedia
The Martyrs of Nicomedia were three Christians martyred together in Nicomedia, Bithynia, Turkey.
Their names are;
- Eutychian
- Philip
- Straton
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War
These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.Â
Their names are;
- Pedro GambÃn Pérez
- Fructuoso Pérez Márquez
- Cayetano GarcÃa MartÃnez
- Blessed Severiano Montes Fernández
- Blessed Sebastià Balcells Tonijuan
- Blessed Miguel Alberto Flos
- Blessed Manuel Formigo Giráldez
- Blessed Luis Ros Ezcurra
- Blessed Juan Mesonero Huerta
- Blessed Juan Francisco Barahona MartÃn
- Blessed Josep Santonja Pinsach
- Blessed Joan Ceró Cedó
- Blessed Jaume Bonet Nadal
- Blessed Ildefonso Alberto Flos
- Blessed Francisco MÃguez Fernández
- Blessed Clemente Vea Balaguer
- Blessed Carmelo Sastre y Sastre
- Blessed Agustì Ibarra Angüela
Other Saints of the Day for August 15 2024
- Our Lady of the Abbey
- Our Lady of PatrocÃnio
- Our Lady of Madhu
- Our Lady of La Vang
- Juan of Seville
- Gioconda of Rome

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