Saint of the Day for August 16 2024

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Today is Tuesday, January 28, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 16 2024.

👉 Saint Stephen of Hungary

Saint Roch

Blessed Enrique García Beltrán

Saint Armagillus of Brittany

Blessed Laurence Loricatus

Saint Rosa Fan Hui

Blessed Jean-Baptiste Menestrel

Blessed Angelus Agostini Mazzingh

Blessed Iacobus Bunzo Gengoro

Blessed Simon Kiyota Bokusai

Blessed Magdalena Kiyota Bokusai

Blessed Maria Gengoro

Blessed Thomas Gengoro

Blessed John of Saint Martha

Saint Arsacius of Nicomedia

Saint Serena

St Serena was a secret Christian married to the emperor Diocletian. Although she was definitely unable to stop the massacre of Christians, she was able to help where she could to ease the pain and suffering of those under persecutions.

She died in the late 3rd century.

Saint Theodule of Grammont

St Theodule of Grammont was also known as Theodulus or Theodore

He was the first bishop of Valais, Switzerland, serving in the 4th century. He fought against Arianism and enshrined the relics of the Theban Legion.

He is the patron saint of Valais, Switzerland

Blessed Ralph de la Futaye

Blessed Ralph de la Futaye was also known as Ralph de Flageio, Radulfo, or Rodolfo.

He was a Benedictine monk of Saint-Jouin-de-Marne. He founded and served as the first abbot of the double monastery of Saint-Sulpice in 1092 AD in the diocese of Rennes, France. He helped Blessed Robert of Arbrissel found a new house. He died in 1129 AD.

Saint Frambaldo

St Frambaldo was also known as Rasbaldo or Rasbaldus. He was a hermit and a monk in the area of Cenomanian Gaul around modern Le Mans, France.

He died of natural causes in 650 AD in Gaul, France.

Saint Titus the Deacon

St Titus was a Deacon who was martyred in 410 AD by Goths during the sacking of Rome. He was murdered while distributing alms to starving Romans.

Martyrs of Palestine

The Martyrs of Palestine are thirty-three Christians martyred in Palestine. They are commemorated in old martyrologies.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Plácido García Gilabert
  • Blessed Laurentí Basil Matas
  • Blessed José María Sanchís Mompó
  • Blessed Antonio María Rodríguez Blanco
  • Blessed Amadeu Monje Altés

Other Saints of the Day for August 16 2024

  • Ugolina of Vercelli
  • Pietra di San Giuseppe Pérez Florido
  • Martyrs of Balondillo
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 16 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 16 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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