Saint of the Day for August 19 2024

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Today is Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is August 19 2024.

👉 Saint John Eudes, Priest

Blessed Jordan of Pisa

Saint Sebaldus

Blessed Gregorio Martos Muñoz

Saint Magnus of Anagni

Saint Louis of Toulouse

Saint Ezekiel Moreno y Díaz

Blessed Leo II of Cava

Sarah the Matriarch

Pope Saint Sixtus III

Saint Magino of Tarragona

Blessed Hugh Green

Blessed Angelo of Acquapagana

Blessed Guerricus

Saint Andrew the Tribune

Saint Magnus of Cuneo

Saint Donatus of Mount Jura

Saint Flavien of Toulon

St Flavien of Toulon was a sixth-century Gothic soldier. Saint Cyprian of Toulon baptized and converted him to the Christian faith.

He lived the rest of his life as a hermit on the island of Cépet, France after he abandoned military life and fled the persecutions of Arian Gothic king Aleric II.

Blessed Michele Soriano

Blessed Michele Soriano was a Mercedarian friar known for his extreme piety, penance, and asceticism at the convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli in El Puig, Spain. He died in 1604 AD.

Saint Timothy of Gaza

St Timothy was the Bishop of Gaza, Palestine. In 304 AD, he was scourged, tortured, burned alive, and martyred by order of Urban, governor of Palestine, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Julius of Rome

St Julius of Rome was an Imperial Roman senator. He was scourged, beaten to death, and martyred in 190 AD in Rome, Italy during the persecutions of Commodus.

He was buried in the Calepodius cemetery, Aurelian Road outside Rome.

Saint Magnus of Avignon

St Magnus was born in Avignon, France, got married, and became the father of Saint Agricola of Avignon. He became the Governor of Avignon, France.

After he became a widower he became a monk at Lérins Abbey and later the Bishop of Lérins, France. He died in 660 AD.

Saint Guenninus

St Guenninus was a 7th-century bishop of Vannes, Brittany, France. After his death, his relics were preserved at the cathedral of Vannes, Brittany in modern France.

Saint Calminius

St Calminius was also known as Calmilius. He was a hermit who founded the monasteries of Villars and Mauzac near Riom, France. He died in 690 AD.

Saint Elaphius of Châlons

St Elaphius of Châlons was an envoy to Spain and the Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne, France. He died of natural causes in 580 AD in Spain while on a pilgrimage to the relics of Saint Eulalia of Merida.

Saint Thecla of Caesarea

St Thecla of Caesarea was torn apart by wild beasts and martyred in 304 AD at the amphitheatre at Caesarea by order of Urban, governor of Palestine, during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Marianus of Entreaigues

St Marianus was a hermit in the forest of Entreaigues in Berry, France. He died in 515 AD and a biography of him was written by Saint Gregory of Tours.

Saint Mochta

St Mochta was also known as Mochteus. He was a spiritual student of Saint Patrick. He became a monk and founded the monastery of Louth, Ireland. He, later on, became the Bishop of Louth and died in 535 AD.

Saint Badulf of Ainay

St Badulf of Ainay was also known as Badour or Badolf. He was a monk and an Abbot of Ainay Abbey near Lyons, France. He died in 850 AD.

Saint Marinus of Besalu

St Marinus was the Bishop of the Monastery of Saint Peter in Besalu, Catalonia, Spain. He died in 800 AD.

Saint Bertulf of Luxeuil

St Bertulf was a monk at Luxeuil Abbey and an Abbot of a house in Bobbio, Italy. He died in 640 AD.

Saint Namadia of Marsat

St Namadia of Marsat was once married to Saint Calminius. After she became a widow, she became a nun in Marsat, France. She died in 700 AD.

Saint Rufinus of Mantua

St Rufinus in venerated in Mantua, Italy for a long time. His details are unavailable for now.

Saint Credan of Evesham

St Credan was an Abbot at Evesham Abbey. He died in 780 AD.

Saint Italo

St Italo was martyred in 303 AD in the persecutions of Diocletian in southern Italy.

Martyrs of Nagasaki

The Martyrs of Nagasaki are a group of missionaries and their laymen supporters who were beheaded on August 19 1622, at Nagasaki, Japan for spreading Christianity in Japan.

On May 7 1867, they were beatified by Pope Pius IX.

Their names are;

  • Thomas Koyanagi
  • Pedro de Zúñiga
  • Paulus Sankichi
  • Michaël Díaz Hori
  • Marcus Takenoshita Shin’emon
  • Ludovic Frarijn
  • Leo Sukeemon
  • Laurentius Ikegami Rokusuke
  • Ioannes Yago
  • Ioannes Nagata Matashichi
  • Ioannes Miyazaki Soemon
  • Ioachim Díaz Hirayama
  • Iacobus Matsuo Denji
  • Bartholomaeus Mohyoe
  • Antonius Yamada

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Valeriano Ruiz Peral
  • Blessed Urbano Corral González
  • Blessed Tomàs Sitjar Fortiá
  • Blessed Teresa Chambó Palet
  • Blessed Rosa Pedret Rull
  • Blessed Remigio ángel Olalla Aldea
  • Blessed Pedro Buitrago Morales
  • Blessed Pascual Escuin Ferrer
  • Blessed María Dolores Vidal Cervera
  • Blessed María Desamparados Giner Sixta
  • Blessed María de Las Nieves Crespo López
  • Blessed Maria Calaf Miracle
  • Blessed Justo Arévalo Mora
  • Blessed Josep Maria Fontseré Masdeú
  • Blessed José Erausquin Aramburu
  • Blessed Joan Roca Bosch
  • Blessed Isidro Muñoz Antolín
  • Blessed Ignasi Guilà Ximenes
  • Blessed Francisco de Paula Ibáñez y Ibáñez
  • Blessed Francisca de Amézua Ibaibarriaga
  • Blessed Félix González Bustos
  • Blessed Elvira Torrentallé Paraire
  • Blessed Damián Gómez Jiménez
  • Blessed Cipriano González Millán
  • Blessed Càndid Feliu Soler
  • Blessed Antoni Pedró Minguella
  • Blessed Antolín Martínez y Martínez
  • Blessed Andrés Pradas Lahoz
  • Blessed Agustí Busquets Creixell
  • Blessed Agueda Hernández Amorós

Other Saints of the Day for August 19 2024

  • Bartholomew Simeri
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 19 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is August 19 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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