Saint of the Day for December 16 2024

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Today is Monday, February 24, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast is December 16 2024.

👉 Saint Adelaide of Burgundy

Saint Ado of Vienne

Blessed Sebastian Maggi

Blessed Mary Fontanella

Blessed Filip Siphong Onphithakt

Blessed Adolphus, Blessed Arnaldo and Blessed James of Tunis

Blessed Clemente Marchisio

Saint Albina of Caesarea

Blessed Jaume Mases Boncompte

Blessed Jaume Mases Boncompte, also known as Brother Lambert Carles, was a member of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and was martyred during the Spanish Civil War.

He was born on April 14, 1894, in Agramunt, Lleida, Spain, and died on December 16, 1936, in Barcelona, Spain. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on October 28, 2007.

Blessed Dominic Dosso

Blessed Dominic Dosso was a soldier and a knight. He fought in the recovery of the Balearic Islands of Spain from the Saracens.

He joined the Mercedarians on August 10 1218, and got accepted into the Order by St Peter Nolasco. He was known for his personal piety, virtue and devotion to the Order.

Haggai the Prophet

Haggai the prophet was also known as Aggaeus, Aggeus, Hággáy or Haggaios. He was a sixth-century BC Old Testament prophet during the period after the exile.

The message he brought concerned rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. He died in 516 BC.

Blessed Elizabeth of Saint Francis

Blessed Elizabeth of St. Francis was born in Coimbra, Portugal to a pious Portuguese noble family.

She was a poor Clare nun at St. Clare Vila do Conde, diocese of Braga, Portugal.

She died in 1534 and miracles are reported at her grave. She was re-interred in 1582 AD.

Saint Bean

St Bean was born in Scotland and was also known as Beano or Beanus. He has an additional Memorial on October 26 as St. Bean of Murlach.

He was a 10th-11th century bishop at Mortlach, Banff, Scotland, and Aberdeen, Scotland, appointed by Pope Benedict VIII. He died in 1012 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Beoc

St Beoc was born in the 5th-6th century in an area now in Wales. He was also known as Bean, Beanus, Dabeoc, Mobeoc, Moboac, Mo-Bioc or Mobioc.

He founded a monastery on an island in Lough Derg, Donegal, Ireland, and served as its first abbot.

Blessed Raynald de Bar

Blessed Raynald de Bar was a Cistercian monk at Clairvaux Abbey in France. He was an abbot of Citeaux Abbey in 1133 AD.

He compiled the first collection of Cistercian statutes. Due to natural causes, he died in 1151 AD.

Saint Nicholas Chrysoberges

St Nicholas Chrysoberges was a patriarch of Constantinople from 983 AD. He died in 996 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Adelard of Cysoing

St Adelard of Cysoing was the son of Everardo, founder of Cysoing Abbey.

He was a monk at Cysoing in the late 9th century AD.

Saint Irenion

St Irenion was also known as Irenian. He was a bishop of Gaza in Palestine.

He died in 389 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Macarius of Collesano

St Macarius of Collesano was a monk and an abbot.

Martyred Women of North-West Africa

The Martyred Women of North-West Africa were a large group of women martyred in the persecutions of Hunneric, Arian of King of the Vandals. They died in 482 AD in North-West Africa.

Martyrs of Ravenna

The Martyrs of Ravenna were a group of Christians who were martyred together.

They died in 305 AD at Ravenna in Italy.

Their names are;

  • Agricola
  • Concordius
  • Navalis
  • Valentine

Other Saints of the Day for December 16 2024

  • Theodoric of Rommersdorf
  • Honoratus Kozminski
  • Everard of Friuli
  • Bernard of Portes

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 16 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 16 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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