Saint of the Day for December 22 2024

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Today is Saturday, March 29, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 22 2024.

Blessed Jutta of Disibodenberg

Blessed Thomas Holland

Blessed Ottone of Toulouse

Saint Zeno of Nicomedia

Saint Flavian of Acquapendente

Saint Chaeremon of Nilopolis

Blessed Adam of Saxony

Blessed Adam of Saxony, also known as Adam of Loccum, was a Benedictine Cistercian priest who served as the sacristan at the Cistercian Loccum Abbey in Saxony, which is now modern-day Hanover, Germany.

He was deeply devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is said that he experienced visions of her, received two miraculous healings, and was recognized as a miracle worker. Born in the 12th century, Adam died around the year 1210 of natural causes.

Saint Hunger of Utrecht

St Hunger of Utrecht was also known as Hungerus Frisus. He was a priest and a bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands in 856 AD.

He fled to Roermond, then Deventer in the Netherlands, and finally Prum, Germany to escape the Norman invasion.

He spent his last days in exile in Prum. He died in 866 AD at Prum, Germany due to natural causes.

Blessed Bertheid of Münster

Blessed Bertheid of Münster was raised in a pious family. Her brother became Bishop Hermann I of Münster, Germany.

She was a nun and an abbess of Liebfrauenpfarrei which ran a school for girls born to the nobility.

She died on December 22 1042 in Münster, Germany.

Saint Abban of New Ross

St Abban of New Ross was born Irish. He was also known as Abhan, Evin, Ewin, Neville, Nevin or Stephen.

He founded Ros-mic-treoin abbey (modern New Ross) and evangelized in the area of Wexford, Ireland. He died in Wexford, Ireland due to natural causes.

Saint Amaswinthus of Málaga

St Amaswinthus of Málaga was also known as Amaswinthus of Silva.

He was a monk and abbot for 42 years at Silva de Málaga in Andalusia, southern Spain. He died in 982 AD.

Saint Honoratus of Toulouse

St Honoratus of Toulouse was born in Spanish Navarre. He was also known as Onorato. He was a third-century bishop of Toulouse, France.

He was ordained by St Firminus II.

Saint Athernaise of Fife

St Athernaise of Fife was also known as Athernaise the Silent, Ethernascus, or Ithernaisc.

He was a confessor of the faith in Fife, Scotland.

Martyrs of Ostia

Martyrs of Ostia were a group of Christians martyred together. They died at Ostia in Italy.

Their names are;

  • Demetrius
  • Florus
  • Honoratus

Martyrs of Rhaitu

Martyrs of Rhaitu were 43 monks martyred by Blemmyes. They died in Raithu, Egypt on an unknown date.

Martyrs of Via Lavicana

The martyrs of Via Lavicana were a group of 30 Christians martyred together in the persecution of Diocletian.

They died in 303 AD in Rome, Italy. They were buried between two bay trees on the Via Lavicana outside Rome.

Other Saints of the Day for December 22 2024

  • Ernan the Younger
  • Eimhin of Rosglas

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 22 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 22 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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