Saint of the Day for December 30 2024

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Today is Monday, March 17, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 30 2024.

Pope Saint Felix I

Saint Anysia of Salonika

Blessed Eugenia Ravasco

Blessed Giovanni Maria Boccardo

Saint Egwin of Worcester

Blessed Margaret Colonna

Saint Ruggero of Canne

Saint Geremarus

St Geremarus, also known as Germer, Geremar, or Geremaro, was born into the Frankish nobility in the 7th century in Beauvais, France.

He received his education in Beauvais and later worked alongside Saint Eloi. Geremarus was part of the court of King Dagobert I and served as an advisor to King Clovis II.

Married and a father, he eventually retired to the abbey of Pentale on the Seine with his wife’s consent.

As the abbot at Pentale, he was known for his strictness, which led to a plot against his life by a group of monks.

After resigning from this position, he chose to live as a hermit in a cave near the abbey. In 655 AD, he founded Flay Abbey between Beauvais and Rouen, which was later renamed Saint-Germer in his honor.

He died around 658 AD at Flay Abbey, likely of natural causes.

Saint Perpetuus of Tours

Saint Perpetuus of Tours also known as Perpet, Perpetue or Perpetuo was related to Saint Eustachius of Tours and Saint Volusianus of Tours.

He became bishop of Tours, France for 30 years. He is known to have restored ecclesiastical discipline in his suffragan dioceses to the point that unworthy priests were removed from service.

He built churches and monasteries. He died in 1490.

Saint Anysius of Thessalonica

Saint Anysius of Thessalonica also known as Anysius of Salonika became the bishop of Thessalonica, Macedonia in 383 AD.

He was involved in the political and religious struggles of the time and was the Vicar apostolic of Illyricum.

He defended Saint John Chrysostom during that saint’s exile. St Anysius was highly regarded by his peers, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Pope Saint Innocent I, and Pope Saint Leo the Great.

He died in 410 AD.

Blessed Richard of Wedinghausen

Blessed Richard of Wedinghausen also known as Richard of Arnsberg or Richard of Anglicus was born in the early 12 century AD in Germany.

He was a member of the Premonstratensians and became Canon of the Norbertine monastery of Wedinghausen in Arnsberg, Germany.

He was a theological writer. He died in 1190 at the Norbertine monastery of Wedinghausen in Arnsberg, Germany of natural causes.

Blessed Raoul of Vaucelles

Blessed Raoul of Vaucelles also known as Radulphe, Ralph, Raul or Rodulphe was born in England. He was a benedictine Cistercian monk and spiritual student of Saint Bernard at Clairvaux Abbey.

Bernard sent him to found and govern a Cistercian abbey of Vaucelles, diocese of Cambrai, France. He died in 1152 AD of natural causes.

Saint Raynerius of Aquila

Saint Raynerius of Aquila also known as Rainer, Raniero or Rainerius became the bishop of Forconium in modern Aquila, Abruzzi region, Italy.

He was noted for his excellent administrative skills, but no details about the man have survived. In 1077 AD, he died of natural causes and was canonized by Pope Honorius III.

Saint Hermes of Moesia

Saint Hermes of Moesia also known as Ermete or Hermas was an exorcist.

He is represented in the form of a man on horseback exorcising a devil from a woman holding a rope or a man on horseback exorcising a devil from a woman holding a child.

He died in 300 AD at Moesia in modern Bulgaria.

Saint Sebastian of Esztergom

Saint Sebastian of Esztergom was a monk and became archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary in 1002 AD.

He worked with Saint Stephen to evangelize the Hungarian people. He died in 1036 AD.

Saint Eugene of Milan

Saint Eugene of Milan also known as Eugenius was the bishop of Milan, Italy.

Saint Liberius of Ravenna

Saint Liberius of Ravenna was one of the first bishops of the diocese of Ravenna, Italy. He died in 200 AD of natural causes.

Martyrs of Alexandria

Martyrs of Alexandria is a group of Christians martyred in the unrest caused by Monophysite heretics.

Their names are

  • Appian
  • Donatus
  • Honorius
  • Mansuetu
  • Severus

They died in 483 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Martyrs of Oia

Martyrs of Oia is a group of Christians martyred together in Oia, Greece at an unknown date.

Their names are;

  • Cletus
  • Florentius
  • Papinianus
  • Paul
  • Serenusa
  • Stephen

Martyrs of Spoleto

Martyrs of Spoleto is a group of Christians martyred in 303 AD in Spoleto, Italy in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are

  • Exuperantius
  • Marcellus
  • Sabinus
  • Venustian

Other Saints of the Day for December 30 2024

  • Elias of Conques

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 30 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 30 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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