This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day falls on December 31 2024.
Saint John Francis Regis
Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli
Saint Columba of Sens
Blessed Alan de Solminihac
Blessed Alan de Solminihac
Saint Melania the Younger
Saint Marius Aventicus
Saint Zoticus of Constantinople
Blessed Walembert of Cambrai
Blessed Leandro Gómez Gil
Holy Family
Saint Hermes the Exorcist
St Hermes, also known as Hermes of Rome, was a priest and exorcist who became a martyr during the persecution under Emperor Marcus Aurelius around the year 270 AD.
In Christian iconography, he is often depicted on horseback, casting a devil out of a woman led by a rope tied around her, symbolizing his role in freeing people from demonic possession.
Another common representation shows him exorcising a child, emphasizing his dedication to protecting the vulnerable from evil.
Saint Festus of Valencia
Saint Festus of Valencia also known as Sextus or Sextius was the fifth-century bishop of Valencia, Spain.
When his city was invaded by barbarians, their leader Chrocus demanded that the people renounce Christianity.
They refused and as a result, Chrocus turned his men loose on them. Festus and many of his flock died as martyrs.
Saint Barbatian of Ravenna
Saint Barbatian of Ravenna was the fifth-century priest at Antioch in modern Turkey. While in Rome, Italy on a mission, he was befriended by Empress Placidia Augusta who built a monastery for him nearby Ravenna, Italy.
He worked there as a superior and as a counselor to the throne.
Saint Sabinian of Sens
Saint Sabinian of Sens also known as Sabinianus or Savinien was the first bishop of Sens, France.
He died in 300 AD as a Martyr.
Some legends list him as a disciple of Saint Peter, but because of the dates, this is clearly impossible. He is the patron of Sens, France.
Blessed Wisinto of Kremsmünster
Blessed Wisinto of Kremsmünster was a benedictine monk and a priest.
He served at the abbey of Kremsmünster, Austria. Austrian Benedictines have always considered him Saint Wisinto but elsewhere, he is known as Blessed. He died in 1250 AD of natural causes.
Saint Theophylact of Ohrid
Saint Theophylact of Ohrid was the clerk of the Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople.
He became the reluctant bishop of Ohrid, Macedonia, serving for 25 years. He was a noted theologian and orator and many of his homilies and commentaries have survived to today. In 1126 AD, he died.
Blessed Peter of Subiaco
Blessed Peter of Subiaco was a benedictine monk and abbot of the monastery of Subiaco, Italy.
He was blinded and imprisoned by the baron of Monticello for defending the rights of his abbey.
He died in 1003 AD in prison and is considered a martyr.
Saint Potentian of Sens
Saint Potentian of Sens was the second bishop of Sens, France. He died in 300 AD as a Martyr. Some legends list him as a disciple of Saint Peter, but because of the dates, this is clearly impossible. He was the patron of Sens, France.
Saint Pinian
Saint Pinian also known as Pinianus or Valerius Pinianus was married to Saint Melania the Younger.
He was a father of two however both children died very young.
About 410 AD, the couple left Rome, Italy, and each entered religious life. He became a monk and died in 438 AD.
Blessed Dominic de Cubells
Blessed Dominic de Cubells was a Mercedarian preacher and evangelist working from the convent of Santa Maria in El Puig, Spain.
Saint Gelasius of Palestine
Saint Gelasius of Palestine was a fifth-century monk in Palestine.
He was expelled from his monastery after opposing the Monophysite heresy.
Saint Offa of Benevento
Saint Offa of Benevento was a benedictine nun and abbess at Saint Peter’s convent, Benevento, Italy.
She died in 1070 AD of natural causes.
Martyrs of Catania
Martyrs of Catania is a group of early Christians martyred together in Catania, Sicily, Italy at an unknown date.
Their names were;
- Attalus
- Cornelius
- Fabian
- Flos
- Minervinus
- Pontian
- Quintian
- Sextus
- Simplician
- Stephen
Martyrs of Rome
Martyrs of Rome is a group of Roman women martyred in an early persecution at an unknown date. Their relics are enshrined in the catacombs of Via Salaria, Rome, Italy.
Their names are;
- Dominanda
- Donata
- Hilaria
- Nominanda
- Paolina
- Paulina
- Rogata
- Rustica
- Saturnina
- Serotina
Other Saints of the Day for December 31 2024
- Zeno of Rome
- Gwynin ap Helig
- Eustadius of Bourges
- Elisabeth Radermecher
- Donatus of Rome
Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

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