Saint of the Day for December 6 2024

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Today is Sunday, January 19, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is December 6 2024.

👉 Saint Nicholas of Myra, Bishop

Blessed Peter Paschal

Saint Abraham of Kratia

Saint Giuse Nguyen Duy Khang

Saint Asella of Rome

Blessed János Scheffler

Saint Gerard of La-Charite

Saint Dionysia the Martyr

Saint Gertrude the Elder

St Gertrude the Elder was also known as Gertrude of Hamage or Gertrude of Hamaye. She was born in 560 AD and died on December 6 649 AD at Hamage, France of natural causes.

She was a married laywoman and later became a widow. Additionally, she founded the convent at Hamaye near Douai, France. and also joined the convent as a nun and first abbess.

Saint Majoricus the Martyr

St Majoricus the Martyr was a son of St Dionysia and a nephew of St Dativa. He was a child martyr beaten to death in 484 AD somewhere in North Africa, in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric. He was buried in the house of St Dionysia.

Saint Aemilianus the Martyr

St Aemilianus the Martyr, also known as Aemilius or Emilian, was flayed alive in 484 AD somewhere in North Africa. He was a physician and martyred in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric.

Saint Dativa the Martyr

St Dativa the Martyr was a sister of St Dionysia and also an aunt of St Majoricus. She was martyred in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric. She died by being burned at the stake in 484 AD somewhere in North Africa.

Saint Polychronius

Saint Polychronius died in the 4th century as a martyr. He was a priest, attended the Council of Nicaea, and also opposed Arianism. He was murdered at the altar by Arian extremists while he was celebrating Mass.

Blessed Angelica of Milazzo

Blessed Angelica of Milazzo was born at Milazzo, Sicily, Italy, and died of natural causes in 1559 AD. She was a Franciscan Minim tertiary lay woman.

Saint Isserninus of Ireland

St Isserninus of Ireland was also known as Iserninus. He worked with St Patrick to evangelize Ireland in the fifth century and he was also a bishop.

Saint Leontia the Martyr

St Leontia the Martyr was martyred in 484 AD somewhere in North Africa during the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric.

Saint Tertus

St Tertus, Also known as Tertius, was flayed alive in 484 AD somewhere in North Africa. He was a monk and martyred in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric.

Saint Boniface the Martyr

St Boniface the Martyr was martyred in 484 somewhere in North Africa in the persecutions of the Arian Vandal king Huneric.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Blessed Vicente Vilumbrales Fuente
  • Blessed Pascual Castro Herrera
  • Blessed Narciso Pascual y Pascual
  • Blessed Miguel Lasaga Carazo
  • Blessed Luisa María Frías Cañizares
  • Blessed Luis Martínez Alvarellos
  • Blessed Juan Lorenzo Larragueta Garay
  • Blessed Ireneo Rodríguez González
  • Blessed Heliodoro Ramos García
  • Blessed Gregorio Cermeño Barceló
  • Blessed Florencio Rodríguez Guemes
  • Blessed Esteban Vázquez Alonso

Other Saints of the Day for December 6 2024

  • Obius of Niardo
  • Constantine of Scotland
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 6 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is December 6 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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