This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 19 2025.
Saint Publius of North Africa
Saint Marcellus of North Africa
Blessed Alvarez of Cordova
Saint Quodvultdeus
Saint Conrad of Piacenza
Blessed John Sullivan
Saint Barbatus of Benevento
Blessed Józef Zaplata
Blessed Elizabeth of Mantua
Blessed Frederick of Hirsau
Saint Boniface of Lausanne
Saint Mansuetus of Milan
Saint Beatus
Saint Proclus of Bisignano
Saint Lucia Yi Zhenmei
St Lucia Yi Zhenmei was also known as Luqi, or Lucy. She was a laywoman in the apostolic vicariate of Guizhou, China born on January 17 1815 in Mainyang, Sichuan, China.
She was the youngest child in her family and grew up loving to read and learn and her mother taught her to spin.
She served as a catechist in her parish and her priest asked her to use that experience to teach in the local school.
When the family moved so her brother could study medicine, her new priest asked her to continue teaching and to include adult women, as well.
When her mother died, Lucia decided to join the Paris Foreign Missions Society. While working with them, she was beheaded on January 19 1862 and died as a martyr in Kaiyang, Guizhou, China.
She was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 1 2000 and she is one of the Martyrs of Guizhou.
Saint Dositeus
St. Dositeus was a layman who served as a page to a senior army officer. During a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, a painting of Hell caused him to re-evaluate his life and led to his becoming a monk in Palestine.
He devoted himself so completely to giving up a worldly life that he destroyed his health and died soon after entering the monastery.
Saint George of Lodeve
St. George of Lodeve was born in Rodez, France. He was a Benedictine monk at Saint-Foi-de-Conques, Rouergue.
The monastery was destroyed by Norsemen in 862 AD, and George fled to Vabres in the diocese of Rodez, France. In his later years, he was elected bishop of Lodeve, France. He died in 884 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Auxibius of Soli
St. Auxibius of Soli was also known as Ausibio. He was a convert and was baptized by St. Mark the Evangelist.
In his later years, he became bishop of Soli, Cyprus, ordained by St. Paul the Apostle. He died in the 1st century of natural causes.
Saint Zambdas of Jerusalem
St. Zambdas of Jerusalem was a bishop of Jerusalem in the late 3rd and early 4th century. Legend says he is the one who brought the Theban Legion to Christianity.
He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in 304 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Odran
St. Odran was also known as Odhran. He was St. Patrick’s chariot driver. Legend says that one day on the road, he spotted what appeared to be an ambush.
He traded places with Patrick without telling him why and died from the attack meant for his passenger. He died in 452 AD.
Martyrs of Palestine
The martyrs of Palestine were an unknown number of monks and lay people massacred together for their faith by Saracens led by Mundhir III. They died in 509 AD in Palestine.
Saint Belina
St. Belina was born in Troyes, France. She was a peasant girl who died fighting off a rape by the feudal lord of her district. In 1135, she died near Troyes, France. Pope Innocent III canonized her in 1203.
Saint Gabinus
St. Gabinus was also known as Gabins. He was a member of the imperial Roman nobility and brother of Pope Caius.
He was the father of St. Susanna and a relative of the emperor Diocletian. He died as a martyr in 295 AD.
Saint Conon of Alexandria
St. Conon of Alexandria was a sixth-century monk in the monastery of Pentucla in Palestine. He was an abbot of his house and died in 555 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Publius of North Africa
St. Publius of North Africa was a martyr.
Saint Marcellus of North Africa
St. Marcellus of North Africa was a martyr.
Saint Julian the Martyr
St. Julian the Martyr was martyred in Africa at an unknown date.
Saint Valerius of Antibes
St. Valerius of Antibes was a bishop of Antibes, France. He died in 450 AD.
Saint Baoithin
St. Baoithin was the son of Cuana. He is the patron of Tibohin, Ireland.

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