Saint of the Day for January 29 2025

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Today is Friday, February 28, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on January 29 2025.

👉 Saint Dallan Forghaill

Saint Gildas the Wise

Blessed Bronislaw Markiewicz

Saint Juniper

Blessed Charles of Sayn

Saint Aquilinus of Milan

Saint Constantius of Perugia

Pope Saint Gelasius II

Saint Sulpicius Severus

Saint Gildas the Elder

Blessed Agnes of Bagno di Romagna

Blessed Boleslawa Maria Lament

Saint Abundantia the Martyr

Saint Potamione of Agrigento

Saint Valerius of Ravenna

St Valerius of Ravenna was also known as Valerio. He was the Bishop of Ravenna, Italy for 22 years from 788 AD until his death in 810 AD.

He was known for his zeal for his people, for he often helped decorate churches and fought endlessly against the heresy of Arianism.

He died on March 15 810 AD and his relics were enshrined in the cathedral of Ravenna, Italy on May 9 1222.

Saint Aphraates of Antioch

St Aphraates of Antioch was also known as Aphraates of Edessa or Afraates. He was born in Persia and studied pagan magic as a young man, but converted to Christianity in Jerusalem.

He then retired to Edessa, Mesopotamia as an anchorite living in a small house outside the city walls. He preached and wrote against the Arian heresy.

Saint Seustio

St Seustio died in 303 AD in Todi, Italy. He was a nephew of imperial proconsul Ablavio.

He was in one of a group of 80 Christians who had all been converted and baptized in Todi, Italy by Saint Cassiano, and who were all martyred together in the persecutions of Diocletian, condemned by Ablavio.

He was buried in Confino near Lake Trasimeno in Italy.

Saint Barbea of Edessa

St Barbea of Edessa was born in Syria and was a sister of St Sarbelius. She was converted by St Barsimeus of Edessa.

She was Tortured and executed in the persecutions of Emperor Trajan and later died as a martyr. She was burned with hot irons, scourged and then speared to death in 101 at Edessa, Mesopotamia.

Saint Sarbelius

St Sarbelius, also known as Sharbel, died in 101 AD. He was a brother of St Barbea and also a pagan high priest at Edessa, Mesopotamia. He was converted to Christianity.

Additionally, he was tortured with red-hot irons, and martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Trajan.

Saint Blath of Kildare

St Blath of Kildare, also known as Flora, died of natural causes in 523 AD. She was a lay-sister and cook in the Kildare, Ireland convent of Saint Brigid.

She was known for her simple, personal sanctity, and for her loyalty to Saint Brigid.

Saint Valerius of Trier

St Valerius of Trier was a bishop of Trier in modern Germany and died in 320 AD. Legend makes him a disciple of St Peter the Apostle, but it’s doubtful such a disciple would have lived into the 4th century AD.

Saint Caesarius of Angoulême

St Caesarius of Angoulême was a deacon in Angoulême, France under St Ausonius. He died in the 1st century of natural causes.

Saint Voloc

St Voloc, Also known as Walloch, was born in Ireland and died in 724 AD of natural causes. He was a bishop and a missionary to Scotland.

Saint Serrano

St Serrano, Also known as Serano, was a bishop. He was interred in the cathedral of Oviedo, Italy in the 11th century.

Saint Maurus of Rome

St Maurus of Rome was an imperial Roman soldier and was martyred for defending the faith. He died in 303 AD in Rome, Italy.

Saint Papias of Rome

St Papias of Rome was an imperial Roman soldier and was martyred for defending the faith. He died in 303 AD in Rome, Italy.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 29 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 29 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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