Saint of the Day for January 11 2025

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Today is Sunday, September 22, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 11 2025.

👉 Saint Theodosius the Cenobiarch

Saint Tommaso da Cori

Saint Vitalis of Gaza

Blessed William Carter

Blessed Anna Maria Janer Anglarill

Saint Michael of Klopsk

Blessed Franciszek Rogaczewski

Pope Saint Hyginus

Saint Anastasius of Suppentonia

Saint Salvius of Amiens

Saint Peter Balsam

Saint Eithne

Saint Fedelemia

Saint Leucius of Brindisi

Saint Tipasio of Tigava

Saint Speciosa of Pavia

Saint Honorata of Pavia

Saint Luminosa of Pavia

Saint Liberata of Pavia

Saint Alexander of Fermo

Saint Breandan

Saint Breandan also known as Beandan, Brandan or Bran was born in the 5th century Irish and became a monk. He migrated from Ireland to Britain.

He sought refuge in a monastery in Gaul after being persecuted by Pelagian heretics. It became his new home and he eventually became abbot of the house.

Saint Paldo

Saint Paldo born in Benevento, Italy was the brother of Saint Tato and Saint Taso. He was a benedictine monk at Farfa, Sabina, Italy.

The three brothers founded the monastery of San Vincenzo on the Voltorno river. He became the first abbot of the house. In 1720, he died of natural causes.

Saint Taso

Saint Taso born in Benevento, Italy was the brother of Saint Paldo and Saint Tato. He was a benedictine monk at Farfa, Sabina, Italy.

The three brothers founded the monastery of San Vincenzo on the Voltorno river. He became the second abbot of the house. In 729 AD he died of natural causes.

Saint Tato

Saint Taso born in Benevento, Italy was the brother of Saint Paldo and Saint Taso. He was a benedictine monk at Farfa, Sabina, Italy.

The three brothers founded the monastery of San Vincenzo on the Voltorno river. He was the third abbot of the house. He died in 739 AD of natural causes.

Saint Theodosius the Soldier

Saint Theodosius the Soldier was among one of a group of fifty Christian soldiers martyred as a group during the persecutions of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He died in 269 AD in Rome, Italy.

Saint Lucius the Soldier

Saint Lucius the Soldier was one of a group of fifty Christian soldiers martyred as a group during the persecutions of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He died in 269 AD in Rome, Italy.

Saint Peter the Soldier

Saint Peter the Soldier was among one of a group of fifty Christian soldiers martyred as a group during the persecutions of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He died in 269 AD in Rome, Italy.

Saint Mark the Soldier

Saint Mark the Soldier was among one of a group of fifty Christian soldiers martyred as a group during the persecutions of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He died in 269 AD in Rome, Italy.

Saint Theodosius of Antioch

Saint Theodosius of Antioch was born in Antioch in modern Turkey. He became a monk and founded a monastery in Cilicia, modern Çukurova, Turkey. He died in 412 AD.

Saint Leucius of Alexandria

Saint Leucius of Alexandria, born Egyptian was martyred for publicly proclaiming his faith. He died in 309 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Severus of Alexandria

Saint Severus of Alexandria born Egyptian was martyred for publicly proclaiming the faith. He died in 309 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Peter of Alexandria

Saint Peter of Alexandria born Egyptian was martyred for publicly proclaiming the faith in 309 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Suibhne of Iona

Saint Suibhne of Iona also known as Sweeney was a Monk and became abbot of Iona Abbey for about three years. He died in 656 AD of natural causes.

Saint Boadin

Saint Boadin born Irish was a benedictine monk and took the cowl in France. He was noted for his strict observance of the Benedictine Rule and for his gentle kindness.

Saint Salvius of North Africa

Saint Salvius of North Africa was martyred in Roman North Africa. Saint Augustine of Hippo preached about him.

Saint Peter of Anea

Saint Peter of Anea was burned alive at Eleutheropolis, Asia Minor at an unknown date. He died a

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 11 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 11 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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