Saint of the Day for January 9 2025

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 9 2025.

👉 Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Blessed Alix le Clerc

Black Nazarene

Saint Waningus of Fécamp

Blessed Julia of Certaldo

Saint Honorius of Buzançais

Saint Brithwald of Canterbury

Blessed Józef Pawlowski

Saint Marciana

Blessed Kazimierz Grelewski

Saint Marcellinus of Ancona

Saint Teresa Kim

Blessed Richard of Floreffe

Blessed Eberhard of Schäftlarn

Blessed Antony Fatati

Blessed Franciscus Yi Bo-hyeon

Blessed Martinus In Eon-min

Saint Agatha Yi

Saint Ephrathus the Thaumaturgist

Saint Paschasia of Dijon

St. Paschasia of Dijon was also known as Paschasie. She was a consecrated virgin (an early type of nun). A spiritual student of St. Benigne and helped in his missionary work.

She was a martyr who died in 178 AD in the area of modern Dijon, France. St Gregory of Tours mentions her.

Saint Maurontus

St. Maurontus was also known as Maurentius, Maurontius, Mauruntius or Mavrontus. He was a benedictine monk, and an abbot and founded Saint-Florentle-Vieil abbey, Anjou in France.

He died in 695 AD at St-Florent-le-Vieil, Angers, France due to natural causes.

Saint Polyeucte

St. Polyeucte was a pagan soldier in the 12th imperial Roman legion assigned to Armenia in the 3rd century. He was a friend of St. Nearchus who brought him to the faith.

He was ordered to offer a sacrifice of incense to the emperor as a god, Polyeucte but refused. He was a martyr.

Saint Nearchus

St. Nearchus was a Christian soldier in the 12th Imperial Roman Legion assigned to Armenia in the 3rd century.

He was a friend of St. Polyeucte. He was ordered to offer a sacrifice of incense to the emperor as a god, Nearchus but refused. He was a martyr.

Saint Philip Berruyer

St. Philip Berruyer was also known as Philip of Bourges. He was the nephew of St. William of Bourges. He was also the Archbishop of Bourges, France. He died in 1260 due to natural causes.

Saint Felanus of Saint Andrew

St. Felanus of Saint Andrew was a hermit, monk and abbot of the Monastery of Saint Andrew in Scotland. He died in 710 AD in Scotland due to natural causes.

Saint Eustratius of Olympus

St. Eustratius of Olympus was also known as Eustrate or Eustrazio. He was an abbot of the Abgar Abby on Mount Olympus in Bithynia (modern Turkey).

Saint Fortunatus of Smyrna

St. Fortunatus of Smyrna was a deacon. He died as a martyr at Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey).

Saint Revocatus of Smyrna

St. Revocatus of Smyrna was a deacon. He died as a martyr at Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey).

Saint Vitalicus of Smyrna

St. Vitalicus of Smyrna was a bishop. He died as a martyr at Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey).

Martyrs of Africa

The Martyrs of Africa were born in Africa. They were a group of 21 Christians murdered together for their faith in the persecutions of Decius. They died in 250 AD.

Their names are;

  • Artaxes
  • Epictetus
  • Felicitas
  • Felix
  • Fortunatus
  • Jucundus
  • Pictus
  • Quietus
  • Quinctus
  • Rusticus
  • Secundus
  • Sillus
  • Vincent
  • Vitalis

Martyrs of Antioch

The Martyrs of Antioch were a group of Christians martyred together during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are;

  • Anastasius
  • Anthony
  • Basilissa
  • Celsus
  • Julian
  • Marcionilla
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 9 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 9 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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