Saint of the Day for July 20 2024

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Today is Thursday, September 12, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day falls on July 20 2024.

👉 Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna, Bishop and Martyr

Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Paphnutius of Skete

Elijah the Prophet

Blessed Rita Josefa Pujalte y Sánchez

Saint Bernward of Hildesheim

Saint Frumentius of Ethiopia

Saint Joseph Barsabas

Blessed Luigi Novarese

Blessed Gregorio López

Saint Chi Zhuze

Saint Maria Fu Guilin

Saint José María Díaz Sanjurjo

Saint Ansegisus

Blessed Francisca Aldea y Araujo

Blessed Anne Cartier

Blessed Vicente López y López

Saint Wulmar

Saint Paul of Saint Zoilus

Blessed Abraham Furones y Furones

Martyrs of Seoul

Martyrs of Zhaojia

Martyrs of Zhujiahe

Saint Elswith

St Elswith was also known as Etheldwitha, Ethelwitha, Ealsitha or Ealhswith.

She was born a princess in Mercia now in modern England. She became a queen after getting married to King Alfred the Great of West Saxons.

She was widowed in 899 AD. Thereafter she became a nun and later an abbess at a convent she had founded in Winchester, England. She died in 903 AD.

Saint Aurelius of Carthage

St Aurelius was the Bishop of Carthage in North Africa. He was one of the first to denounce the heresy of Pelagianism. He worked together with Saint Augustine of Hippo. He died in 426 AD.

Blessed Jacinto García Riesco

Blessed Jacinto García Riesco was born on August 28 1894 in Calvillas, Somiedo, Asturias, Spain.

He was a Dominican cleric who was martyred on July 20 1936 in Madrid Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

On October 28 2007, he was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.

Saint Rorice of Limoges

St Rorice of Limoges was once married and was known as an honourable and upright man in his community.

One day, St Rorice had a conversion experience that made him decide to completely devote himself to God in more religious life.

In 484 AD, he became the Bishop of Limoges, France. In 507 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Cassian of Saint Saba

St Cassian of Saint Saba was also known as Cassiano. He was born in Scythopolis and educated at the monastery of St Saba where he became a monk and later an abbot.

He died on July 20 547 or 548 AD.

Saint Severa of Saint Gemma

St Severa was a Sister of St Modoald of Trier. She became a nun and the first Abbess of Saint Gemma convent in Villeneuve, France. This convent was later renamed Sainte-Sevère in her honour. She died in 680 AD.

Saint Mère

St Mère’s memorial has been celebrated for a long time in the diocese of Auch, France. The town of Sainte-Mère, France appears to have been named in his honour.

Saint Severa of Oehren

St Severa was an Abbess of the convent of Oehren in Trier, Germany. She died in 750 AD.

Martyrs of Corinth

The Martyrs of Corinth are a group of 22 Christians who were martyred together in Corinth Greece.

Their names are:

  • Victor
  • Valerian
  • Ueratia
  • Theodolus
  • Tertius
  • Spretus
  • Romanus
  • Paul
  • Pasterus
  • Partinus
  • Nestita
  • Maximus
  • Magnus
  • Fructus
  • Felix
  • Emilis
  • Donatus
  • Cyriacus
  • Celsus
  • Cassius
  • Calorus
  • Appia

Martyrs of Damascus

The Martyrs of Damascus were a group of 16 Syrian-born Christians who were martyred together in Damascus, Syria on an unknown date. It is only six of them whose names are known. They are

  • Cassia
  • Julian
  • Macrobius
  • Maximus
  • Paul
  • Sabinus

Other Saints of the Day for July 20 2024

  • Akhtyrskaya Icon of the Mother of God
  • Our Lady of Zocueca
  • Gepa of Fussenich
  • Folmer of Alslev
  • Flavian II of Antioch
  • Elias Tsjavtsjavadse
  • Elias of Jerusalem
  • Arnold Vessem
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 20 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 20 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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