This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 22 2024.
👉 Saint Mary Magdalene
Saint Gualtero of Lodi
Blessed Augustine Fangi
Saint Anna Wang
Blessed Manuela de JesĂşs Arias Espinosa
Saint Joseph of Palestine
Saint John Lloyd
Saint Wandrille of Fontenelle
Saint Philip Evans
Saint Andreas Wang Tianqing
Saint Lucia Wang Wangzhi
Saint Maria Wang Lishi
Blessed Jacques Lombardie
Saint Syntyche of Philippi
Blessed Joaquin RodrĂguez Bueno
Blessed RosalĂo Benito
Blessed Benno of Osnabruck
Saint Theophilus of Cyprus
Saint Meneleus of MĂ©nat
St Meneleus of Ménat was also known as Mauvier, Menele, or Meneve. He was born in Anjou, France. He became a monk at Carméry in Auvergne, France. He restored the monastery of Ménat near Clermont, France. He died in 720 AD.
Saint Movean of Inis-Coosery
St Movean was also known as Biteus of Inis-Coosery. He was a spiritual student of Saint Patrick.
He became a monk and later an Abbot of Inis-Coosery in County Down, Ireland. He retired to Perthshire, Scotland to live as a prayerful hermit.
Saint Anastasius of Schemarius
St Anastasius of Schemarius was a monk in the Caucasus mountains. He was a spiritual student of Saint Maximus the Confessor.
In 662 AD, he was imprisoned, tortured, and martyred at the Schemaris fortress, Caucasus mountains.
Saint Plato of Ancyra
St Plato of Ancyra was also known as Platone. He was the brother of Saint Antiochus of Sebaste. He died in 306 AD as a martyr at Ancyra, Galatia.
Saint Jerome of Pavia
St Jerome of Pavia was also known as Gerolamo. He was the Bishop of Pavia, Italy from 778 AD until his natural death in 787 AD.
On December 20 1888, he was canonized by Pope Leo XIII through a cultus confirmation.
Saint Claudius Marius Victorinus of Saussaye
St Claudius Marius Victorinus is commemorated in La Saussaye, Eure, France, but no information about him is available.
Saint Dabius
St Dabius was also known as Bavins or Davius. He was an Irish priest and a missionary to Scotland where several churches are named after him. He may have been a spiritual student of Saint Patrick.
Saint Pancharius of Besançon
St Pancharius was the Bishop of Besançon, France. He died in 356 AD after much persecutions by the Arian Emperor Constantius.
Blessed Paolo de Lara
Blessed Paolo de Lara was born to the nobility. He was ordained as a priest in 1344 AD and became a Mercedarian friar.
He ransomed 209 Christians who were enslaved by Moors in Granada, Spain.
Saint Baudry of Montfaucon
Saint Baudry was a seventh-century monk who founded the Abbey of Montfaucon in the diocese of Verdun, France.
Saint Lewine
St Lewine was born in Flanders now in modern-day Belgium in the fourth century. She became a nun in England and martyred there, by invading pagan Saxons.
Saint Cyril of Antioch
St Cyril of Antioch was a patriarch of Antioch in 280 AD. In 300 AD, he died of natural causes.
Saint Andrew of Antioch
St Andrew of Antioch died as a martyr in 280 AD in Antioch.
Martyrs of Marula
The martyrs of Marula were also known as Martyrs of Massylis. They were three Christians martyred together in Massylis (Marula), Numidia in modern-day Algeria.
Their names are
- Ajabosus
- Andrew
- Elian
Martyrs of Massilitani
Martyrs of Massilitani are a group of Christians who were written about by Saint Augustine of Hippo and martyred together in northern Africa.
Other Saints of the Day for July 22 2024
Mother of God of Koloch

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