Saint of the Day for July 28 2024

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 28 2024.

Saint Alphonsa of India

Saint Jaime Hilario Barbal

Saint Pedro Poveda Castroverde

Saint Nicanor the Deacon

Blessed Stanley Francis Rother

Saint Parmenas the Deacon

Saint Botwid of Sudermannland

Saint Prochorus the Deacon

Saint Samson of York

Pope Victor I

Blessed Davíd Carlos-Marañon

Blessed Manuel Segura-López

Saint José Melchór García-Sampedro Suárez

Saint Nazarius of Rome

Blessed José Caselles-Moncho

Pope Saint Innocent I

Blessed Josep Castell-Camps

Saint Celsus of Rome

Blessed Christodoulos

Saint Camelian of Troyes

St Camelian of Troyes was also known as Camelien. He was the spiritual student of Saint Loup of Troyes.

From 478 AD until his death in 525 AD, he was the Bishop of Troyes, France for over 35 years. In 511 AD, he attended the Council of Orleans which condemned Arianism in the region.

Saint Longinus of Satala

St Longinus of Satala was one of the seven Christian brothers who were soldiers in the imperial Roman army.

They were kicked out of the military, exiled, and eventually martyred in 311 AD at the sea, near the port of Pityonte now in modern-day Armenia, during the persecutions of Maximian.

Saint Acacius

St Acacius was also known as Acacio or Acazio. He was the Bishop who was tortured and martyred by being beheaded in 310 AD at Miletus, now in modern-day Turkey, during the persecutions of Licinius.

Saint Irene of Cappadocia

St Irene of Cappadocia was a very prayerful and ascetic nun at the Chrysobalanton monastery in Bithynia, now in modern-day Turkey, in the 9th century AD.

She had a good reputation for wisdom and piety. This led to many seeking her help as a spiritual director. She lived to an advanced age of 103 years.

Martyrs of Thebaid

The martyrs of Thebaid are also known as the martyrs of Thebes. They were a large but unspecified number of Christians who were imprisoned, tortured, and martyred together in the 3rd century in Thebes, Egypt during the persecutions of Decius and Valerian.

Saint Lyutius

St Lyutius was also known as Lyutis. He was a monk at Monte Cassino Abbey. He retired from the community to live as a prayerful hermit near the abbey of La Cava in his later life. He died in 1038 AD at La Cava, Italy

Saint Eustathius of Galatia

St Eustathius of Galatia was also known as Eustasius or Eustacius. He died as a martyr after he was tortured and drowned in a river in Galatia on an unknown date.

Saint Peregrinus

St Peregrinus was a priest near Lyons, France in the second century during the persecutions of Severus.

He lived as a hermit on an island in the River Saône in his later life.

Martyrs of Fernan Caballero

Martyrs of Fernán Caballero were a group of fourteen Claretian clerics who were martyred together on July 28 1936, in Fernán Caballero, Ciudad Real, Spain during the Spanish Civil War. 

They were beatified on October 13 2013, by Pope Francis.

Their names are;

  1. Vicente Robles Gómez
  2. Tomás Cordero y Cordero
  3. Primitivo Berrocoso Maillo
  4. Otilio Del Amo Palomino
  5. Melecio Pardo Llorente
  6. Jesús Aníbal Gómez y Gómez
  7. Gabriel Barriopedro Tejedor
  8. Claudio López Martínez
  9. Cándido Catalán Lasala
  10. Antonio Orrego Fuentes
  11. Antonio Lasa Vidauretta
  12. Angel Pérez Murillo
  13. Angel López Martínez
  14. Abelardo García Palacios

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.

  1. Blessed Vicente Toledano Valenciano
  2. Blessed Ramon Gros Ballbé
  3. Blessed Primitivo Sandín Miñambres
  4. Blessed Pere Vilar Espona
  5. Blessed Pelagi Ayats Vergés
  6. Blessed Pedro Alonso Fernández
  7. Blessed Miguel Léibar Garay
  8. Blessed Manuel Collellmir Sentíes
  9. Blessed Lorenzo Arribas Palacio
  10. Blessed Lluis Casanovas Vila
  11. Blessed Josep Martí Coll
  12. Blessed Josep Camí y Camí
  13. Blessed José Gutiérrez Arranz
  14. Blessed José Aurelio Calleja de Hierro
  15. Blessed Joan Costa Canal
  16. Blessed Joan Bover Teixidor
  17. Blessed Joan Ayats Plantalech
  18. Blessed Gregorio Charlez Ribera
  19. Blessed Enrique Serra Chorro
  20. Blessed Antolín Astorga Díez

Other Saints of the Day for July 28 2024

  1. Sancha of Majorca
  2. Sabino Hernández Laso
  3. Ramón Emiliano Hortelano Gómez
  4. Pitirim of Tambov
  5. Paul of Xiropotamou
  6. Modeste of Chartres
  7. Leubace of Sennevières
  8. Comgall of Galloon
  9. Astolfo Lobo
  10. Anthony della Chiesa
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 28 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 28 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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