Saint of the Day for July 30 2024

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Today is Sunday, February 16, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 30 2024.

👉 Saint Peter Chrysologus

Saint MarĂ­a Natividad Venegas de La Torre

Saint Leopold Bogdan Mandic

Blessed Vicenta Chávez Orozco

Saint Godelieve

Blessed Bernard Francis Casey

Blessed Manés de Guzmán

Blessed Thomas Abel

Blessed SebastiĂ  Llorens Telarroja

Blessed Edward Powell

Saint Terenzio of Imola

Saint Abdon and Saint Senen

Blessed Jaume Puig Mirosa

Saint Julitta of Caesarea

Blessed Richard Featherstone

Saint Iosephus Yuan Gengyin

Blessed Luis Aguirre Bilbao

Saint Hatebrand

St Hatebrand was born in Frisia, now in the modern-day Netherlands. He was a Benedictine monk at Saint Paul’s abbey in Utrecht, Netherlands.

Later in 1183 AD, he became an Abbot of Olden-Klooster, Frisia where he revived the Benedictine Rule. In 1198 AD, he died of natural causes.

Blessed Antonio di San Pietro

Blessed Antonio di San Pietro was a Mercedarian lay brother at the convent of Sant’Anna in Genoa, Italy.

He was very famous within the Order for his patience, penance, deep prayer life, and chastity. In 1618 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Tatwine of Canterbury

St Tatwine of Canterbury was a monk at Breedon Abbey, Mercia, now in modern-day England.

He was the Archbishop of Canterbury, in England, and was very famous for his learning and piety. In 724 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Ursus of Auxerre

St Ursus of Auxerre was a hermit who lived at the church of Saint Amator in Auxerre, France. He became the Bishop of Auxerre at age 75 and died in 508 AD.

Saint Ermengyth

St Ermengyth was also known as Ermengitha or Ermengytha. She was the sister of Saint Ermenburgh and a Nun at Minster-in-Thanet, Kent, England. She died in 680 AD.

Martyrs of Castelseras

The Martyrs of Castelseras are the three Dominicans, (two priests and one novice), who were martyred together by being shot on July 30 1936, at a farmhouse outside Castelserás, Teruel, Spain during the Spanish Civil War for refusing to renounce Christianity.

On March 11 2001, they were beatified by Pope John Paul II.

Their names are;

  1. Joaquín Prats Baltueña
  2. Zosimo Izquierdo Gil
  3. José María Muro-Sanmiguel

Martyrs of Tebourba

The Martyrs of Tebourba are the three girls martyred together in 304 AD at Tebourba in North Africa during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Their names are;

  1. Donatilla
  2. Maxima
  3. Secunda

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.

  1. Martyred Hospitallers of Spain
  2. Blessed Sergio Cid Pazo
  3. Blessed Ricardo Pla EspĂ­
  4. Blessed Pablo Díaz de Zárate y Ortiz de Zárate
  5. Blessed Miguel Solas del Val
  6. Blessed Luis Herrero Arnillas
  7. Blessed José Frías Ruiz • Blessed Juan Lanz Palanca
  8. Blessed Guillermo álvarez Quemada
  9. Blessed Eugenio GarcĂ­a Tribaldos
  10. Blessed Alejandro González Blanco
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 30 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 30 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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