Saint of the Day for July 4 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 4 2024.

👉 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Saint Ulric of Augsburg

Blessed Petrus Kasui Kibe

Blessed Maria Crocifissa Curcio

Blessed Jozef Kowalski

Blessed Maria Ripamonti

Blessed John Cornelius

Saint Andrew of Crete

Saint Bertha of Blangy

Saint Anthony Daniel

Blessed Giovanni da Vespignano

Saint Laurian of Seville

Blessed Damiano Grassi of Rivoli

Blessed William of Hirsau

Blessed Natalia of Toulouse

Blessed William Andleby

Saint Odo the Good

Blessed Agatha Yun Jeom-Hye

Blessed Henry Abbot

Blessed John Carey

Blessed Catherine Jarrige

Saint Cesidio Giacomantonio

Blessed Ulric of Ratzeburg

Blessed Odolric of Lyon

Blessed Hatto of Ottobeuren

Saint Carileffo of Anille

Blessed Thomas Bosgrave

lessed Thomas Warcop

Saint Theodore of Cyrene

Blessed Patrick Salmon

Saint Valentine of Paris

St Valentine was born in 519 AD and grew up in the court of King Childebert of Paris.

St Valentine declined an arranged marriage against the wishes of his family and friends. He gave up the worldly life and said he wished to devote himself to God. He died of natural causes in 547 AD.

Blessed Pedro Romero Espejo

Blessed Pedro Romero Espejo was born on April 28 1871 in Pancorbo, Burgos, Spain. He was a Redemptorist priest in the diocese of Cuenca, Spain. He was martyred in the Spanish Civil War on July 4 1938 in Cuenca, Spain.

He was beatified by Pope Francis on October 27 2013.

Saint Elias of Jerusalem

St Elias was the Patriarch of Jerusalem. He was exiled by Emperor Anastasius for supporting the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon.

These decrees affirmed the existence of the Two Natures in Jesus Christ as being both God and man. He died in 513 AD in Aila on the shores of the Red Sea.

Saint Albert Quadrelli

St Albert Quadrelli was born in Rivolta d’Adda in the diocese of Cremona, Italy. He became a Parish priest at Rivolta d’Adda, Italy for 25 years and later, in 1168, he was chosen as the bishop of Lodi, Italy.

He died of natural causes in 1179 at Lodi, Italy. He is the Patron saint of Rivolta d’Adda, Italy.

Saint Flavian of Antioch

St Flavian of Antioch was the Patriarch of Antioch. He was exiled by Emperor Anastasius for supporting the decrees of the Council of Chalcedon.

These decrees had affirmed the existence of the Two Natures in Jesus Christ as being both God and man. In 512 AD, he died in Petra, Arabia.

Blessed Henry of Albano

Blessed Henry of Albano was also known as Henricus Gallus. He was a French Cistercian Benedictine monk.

He later became the Bishop of Albano, Italy in 1179 and eventually a Cardinal. He died of natural causes in 1188 at Arras, France.

Blessed Edward Fulthrop

Blessed Edward Fulthrop was born in Yorkshire, England. He died as a martyr by being hanged, drawn and quartered on July 4 1594 at York, North Yorkshire, England. He was beatified by Pope Pius XI on December 15 1929

Saint Namphanion the Archmartyr

St Namphanion the Archmartyr was born in ancient Carthage. He was martyred with several companions in 180 AD at Madaura, Numidia in North Africa.

Saint Sebastia of Sirmium

St Sebastia of Sirmium was also known as Sabbatia. He was martyred at Sirmium (modern Mitrovica, Kosovo) with 31 companions

Saint Innocent of Sirmium

St Innocent of Sirmium was martyred at Sirmium (modern Mitrovica, Kosovo) with 31 companions

Saint Finbar of Wexford

St Finbar of Wexford is the one who, in the sixth century, founded the monastery on the Innis Doimhle (Isle of Crimlen), Wexford, Ireland and became its first abbot.

Saint Fiorenzo of Cahors

St Fiorenzo of Cahors was the Bishop of Cahors, France. Saint Paulinus of Nola describes him as humble of heart, gentle in speech and strong in grace.

Saint Aurelian of Lyons

St Aurelian of Lyons was a Benedictine monk of Ainay, France. He later became the Abbot of Ainay and eventually the Archbishop of Lyons, France.

He died of natural causes in 895 AD

Saint Jucundian

St Jucundian was also known as Jucundianus. He was an African martyr who died by being thrown overboard at sea to drown.

Saint Valentine of Langres

St Valentine of Langres was a priest and hermit at Langres, Aquitaine (in modern France) in the Fifth century.

Saint Theodotus of Libya

St Theodotus of Libya is listed in ancient menologies, but no details about him have survived.

Saint Lauriano of Vistin

St Lauriano of Vistin was a martyr. He died in Vistin, Berry, France

Saint Giocondiano

St Giocondiano was an African Martyr

Saint Donatus of Libya

St Donatus was a Bishop in Libya.

Other Saints of the Day for July 4 2024

  • Our Lady of Refuge
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 4 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 4 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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