Saint of the Day for June 13 2024

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Today is Thursday, March 6, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 13 2024.

👉 Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Blessed Marianna Biernacka

Saint Tryphillius of Leucosia

Saint Victorinus of Assisi

Saint Aventino of Arbusto

Saint Augustinô Phan Viet Huy

Blessed Anthony of Ilbenstadt

Saint Eulogius of Alexandria

Saint Nicolas Bùi Ðuc The

Blessed Alfonso Gomez de Encinas

Blessed Servatius Scharff

Blessed Gerard of Clairvaux

Saint Aquilina of Syria

Blessed Achilleo of Alexandria

Saint Peregrinus of Amiterno

Saint Peregrinus of Amiterno also known as Ceteo, Ceteus, Cetheus, Cetteo, Cetteus, Pellegrino or Pelligrinus was the bishop of Amiterno now modern San Vittorino, Italy.

He was murdered by Arian Lombards for asking for mercy for a condemned prisoner. They drowned him in the River Aterno in the Abruzzo region of Italy in 597 AD and died as a martyr.

Saint Felicula of Rome

Saint Felicula of Rome, also known as Felicola, was a sanctified virgin who was imprisoned and martyred in the persecution of Domitian.

She was left for a fortnight in prison without food or drink, then thrown into a ditch to die in the late 1st century AD in Rome, Italy. Her body was recovered for burial by Saint Nicomedes.

Saint Fandilas of Penamelaria

Saint Fandilas of Penamelaria, also known as Fandilas of Cordova or Fandil, was born in Andalusia, Spain and became a monk at Cordova, Spain.

He became a priest and then abbot of the monastery of Peñamelaria near Cordova. He was martyred by order of the Moorish emir and beheaded in 853 AD at Cordova, Spain.

Saint Wilicarius of Vienne

Saint Wilicarius of Vienne also known as Wilicaire was the bishop of Vienne, France. He went into exile to Rome, Italy in 752 AD due to Frankish persecution.

He retired from his see to spend his remaining years as a prayerful monk in the monastery of Saint Mauritius. In765 AD of natural causes.

Saint Rambert

Saint Rambert also known as Ragnebert, Ragneberto, Ragnebertus, Ragnobert, Ramberto, Rembert or Regnobert was a member of the royal court in Austrasia.

In 680 AD he was ambushed in the Jura Mountains along the border of modern France and Switzerland and was murdered by the tyrant Ebroin. He has always been honoured as a martyr.

Saint Maximus of Cravagliana

Saint Maximus of Cravagliana also known as Massimo was a martyr. He was interred in the catacombs of Ciriaca. His relics were enshrined in the sacristy of the parish church of Cravagliana, Italy in 1825.

Saint Mac Nissi of Clonmacnoise

Saint Mac Nissi of Clonmacnoise also known as Mac Nesi, Mac Nessi or Macnessius was a monk and became abbot of Clonmacnoise monastery, County Offaly, Ireland from 574 AD to 590 AD when he died of natural causes.

Saint Diodorus of Emesa

Saint Diodorus of Emesa was born and later crucified in Emesa, Phoenicia in modern-day Homs, Syria.

Saint Salmodio

Saint Salmodio also known as Psalmodio, Psalmet, Salmodius, Saumon or Saumay was an Irish spiritual student of Saint Brendan. She became a Hermit at Limoges, Aquintaine (in modern France).

Saint Fortunatus of North Africa

Saint Fortunatus of North Africa was a martyr who died in North Africa.

Saint Lucian of North Africa

Saint Lucian of North Africa was a martyr who died in North Africa.

Saint Damhnade

Saint Damhnade was a virgin venerated in Ireland.

Saint Thecla

Saint Thecla was a martyr.

Other Saints of the Day for June 13 2024

  • Our Lady of the Cave
  • Our Lady of Tears
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 13 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is June 13 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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